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Mesh Surface Issues

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Hi Guys


I've run into a problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it.




As you can see : the mesh acts transparent around the edges of the model. Normally I get this issue around the armpits of my models but not a big problem, now it reach a level so I can see this cloak thru the whole front of the body while wearing it.


Any help / ideas with be appreciated!


Im using 3ds Max for export.


Exporter Settings are:


Hidden Notes & Collision

Update Tangent Space
Collapse Transforms
Zero Transforms
Weld = 0,01

Export Skin Modifer
Enable Multi Partitions
Bones per 18
Bone per Vertex 4

Sort Nodes


As a Bonus : If anyone knows how this fix this , I would be quite happy as well.




This occurs when you zoom out from the model, close up the model looks just right.




- Road

Edited by theRoadstroker
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Hey, I dont use 3DSMax, but I think I can help. I would try duplicating the mesh piece and join the two together. Then after that I would select it and flip the normals. At least in Blender, this would cause you to have a two sided mesh that would show details of the texture map on both sides, as opposed to just one. As to your second problem, have you considered pulling the belt and the corset out a little more so that they cover the white shirt part more completely? Of course you could always delete the hidden part of the shirt and that would eliminate the problem, hopefully.


Good luck^^!



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In max, in the skin modifier, there is a bone affect limit spinner.



(random google image that conveniently circled the spinner I mention and has a 4 in it... :psyduck: )


That would keep you in the bounds correctly as you skin, and your final skinning in game will be exactly what you have in max.

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