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Haunting & Mourning - Could Someone Port This Mod?


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Just starting to get into actually modding (and eventually playing) Skyrim 64 and one mod I noticed is not updated yet is Haunting & Mourning which to me was one of the coolest mods on Oldrim. If anyone dies in game they have a chance at coming back and haunting their loved ones.

Apparently parts of it were in the original release for the game but were taken out early before release. I do not know how to do it myself and I have neither the CK64 installed nor do I have any idea what I am doing when it is I was hoping someone may perhaps port this really cool mod? Are there any guides that could help a layman catch up in order to do this myself? Thank you!

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Yes I understand permissions. I also asked if someone could point me in the direction of the proper way to port mods for my own personal use which of course will not be posted. Is there a good guide on how to use the CK for SSE and porting the mod myself?

I do not care about posting the mod publicly. I simply want the mod for my own personal use.

Edited by KainThePheonix
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Yes I understand permissions. I also asked if someone could point me in the direction of the proper way to port mods for my own personal use which of course will not be posted. Is there a good guide on how to use the CK for SSE and porting the mod myself?


I do not care about posting the mod publicly. I simply want the mod for my own personal use.



Someone just posted a set of tools to port Oldrim to SE, Assets Optimizer


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