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A very tiny, but incredibly useful mod request


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Hey there Nexus!



I have a small request, but a request which could benefit a hugely substantial number of the community.


Could a generous modder increase the distance of shields, bows, quivers, 2h's, staffs (and any other items sheathed on the back i may have forgotten) between them and the character's back when they are sheathed? I ask this because people who use 'Winter is Coming - Cloaks' and 'Cloaks of Skyrim' have to see these items clip right through the middle of them, creating a horrible, unrealistic visual which seriously spoils immersion.


In addition, with a mind towards the Armed to the Teeth mod, as an extension, could a modder increase distances between these items when they are sheathed together on the back? Atm with ATTT, you get the shield and 2h clipping straight through the middle of the bow and quiver.


If anyone could do one or both of these things, it would be improving a great many people's skyrim experience, not to mention mine!


Thank you !

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This idea sounds like it could also reduce or nix the massive clipping between all 'slung-on-back' weapons, and "Sabre Gear Backpacks" also.

I don't use "Cloaks of Skyrim", or wing mods (angel,demon/dragon, etc...), but hopefully, those mods might indeed be 'de-clipped' as well.

Could the "bones" of the character's "skeleton" have additions or alterations, perhaps? (Provided the game's code will allow it.) I agree with this idea, Arrun, and cheers!

Regards, AmadanBezerk.

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i'd forgotten about those mods, agreed, it could also fix those issues.



At the end of the day, to the extent of my knowledge (which take with a grain of salt - i'm not myself a modder), it comes down to a simple distance adjustment; not much, but just enough so weapons/arrows sit comfortably on those HUGE cloaks from winter is coming. A small thing, but a brilliant thing which could make many people's skyrim experience a lot better.


With regards to the ATTT part, that mod is also a brilliant immersion creator, but the clipping issues just make it horrid.

Edited by Arrun
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In the Creation Kit, there's an option on all of the ArmorAddons called Weapon Adjust. It changes the distance of weapons from their attachment points. You'd just have to go in and mess with those.


Excellent! Please could you walkl me through it (if it's not too much hassle)? And what sort of scale is each +/- integer in game? Thank you!



EDIT: I do have the CK.

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I personally would like to see the following player/character gear "de-clipped" , if possible:


-All 'Cloaks' mods (don't use them now, but I'm thinking about it)

-All complex, beautiful, non-vanilla armours that clip a LOT ie: 'Warchief', 'Einherjar', etc...(Love those!) :biggrin:

-Sabregear Backpacks


-Armed-to-the-Teeth (never heard of it until just NOW, thanks people!) Does it create clipping? Then it's on this list.

-Shields on back


-Twin-crossed weapons on back (for dual-wielders)

-Polearms ie: lances, halberds, etc...

-wing mods ie: dragon/demon, angel, dragonfly,etc...

Some of the above may be already included in 'Armed to the Teeth'


If there is ANYTHING I might have missed, please feel free to add it to this list. :thumbsup:

Kind Regards, AmadanBezerk

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