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Witchcraft - lore friendly?


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Some people say that it is not lore friendly, but it is more like they don't want that - I have heard that a lot : I play Falout because I don't like magic like in Skyrim.

But if it would be realistic magic?



I really wish they would do it. It is like the whole artistic design says: witches, but there are none. Even the museum of Witchcraft disappointed me with stupid deathclaw problem. It was well done, but I expected witches.

Also it proves that E. Paglialuro could be often on the right track, but for some reason the end design was very boring, that is Bethesda "dropping the ball" for me. Out of fear to have too much similar games or because some players would like it - those, who ended up being their ultimate target audience for Fallout franchise :(.

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"realistic magic" - my eyes were already glazing over the title. This just made them quit and roll away into the sunset.


No thanks. We don't need skyrim magic, we need fallout magic.

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Magic is magic, it doesn't matter how it's produced. Since Fallout is set in a post-apocalypse world, it wouldn't make sense in that setting to have magic of any kind. I don't see this as Bethesda dropping the ball so much as keeping the two different worlds unique unto themselves. :)

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Well... there's always Mama Murphy, so I suppose the door has already been opened to paranormal stuff.


Edit: hmm... I can see it now... some kind of magic that only works if you're currently higher than a kite on at least two different kinds of drugs :tongue:

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So after reading some article - maybe it wouldn't be possible game wise:

if it would be accessible to player ordinary, it would be common and common magic is too much Skyrim like - and that is not what I would want

if it would be accessible to player because he is special, it would be another Dragonborn, and that is something even Bethesda didn't want

so the only thing that remains is some special beings or extraordinary "gifted" people.


So I think magic is OK for my Children of Atom group and some sort of basic witchcraft - like rituals with spirits wouldn't hurt.



I guess I got too excited about the possibilities without knowing too much about what would be good for the setting, and not only what would be possible - because theoretically everything is possible.

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Just to add something about the technical side, in Skyrim the spells are basically weapons. They work kinda like a wand (or "staff" as Skyrim calls them) except you equip a little ball of fire in your hand or such, instead of an actual weapon. Or rather, it IS an actual weapon, it just doesn't look like one.


The only real difficulty from a technical point of view would be a new weapon animation. E.g., you might want to shoot lightning from the fingers of an open hand, like Palpatine in Episode 6, rather than from a fist like an invisible pistol. In which case you might need an animation where you push your empty open hand forward instead of squeezing a trigger. Far as I can tell, there are very few people on the Nexus that can do new animations, and I'm not one of them.


Wands or some similar form of hand-held magical focus, on the other hand, are quite trivial. I made a wand of fire bolts for New Vegas and it worked just fine as a pistol. I might make one of lightning for FO4 just for lulz.


Well, that was the "how" side of things. Whether one SHOULD make spells, that's quite another question. But hey, it's a single player game, so it harms no one. And, as they say, as long as it harms no one, do as you will :tongue:

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And what about magic like from the TV series - Supernaturals - would that be also different from Fallout? It is also hard to say what is Fallout setting - it is alternative reality, usually 50 ties, but I have no idea what 50ties is anymore anyway.

Supernatural magic would be spells requiring crafting components for some sort of rituals.

But honestly... I just miss the flavor - the hat, the cool clothes and relics, like those from occult shops :smile: usually with jewish star and other signs.


But Bethesda was never into such things for some reason, so Fallout 4 has just the design, but it is also ordinary wasteland, so something between.


I know there are a lot of big mods which are trying to copy FNV and Obsidian setting, and I never had this desire in Fallout 3, but Fallout 4 has such special art design - maybe that is the reason I miss occult staff.

Edited by Mudran
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Well, I suppose you could always learn to make your own meshes, if it bothers you enough. I mean, it worked for me. Back in ye olde Fallout 3 days, I needed a cup to draw a circle. Fast forward a couple of years, and after a lot of practice now I can also use a glass, or a bottle, or one of those vitamin tubes :wink:
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That said...


And what about magic like from the TV series - Supernaturals - would that be also different from Fallout?

does it matter, though? I never got this whole lore-mongering some people do. I mean, I fancy I know the lore of both Fallout and Tamriel pretty well, but does it matter? It's a single player game, so whatever you want to have in your private copy of that universe, is nobody else's business. I ran through New Vegas as an elf with a magic wand, or as a half-romulan in ST uniforms, or as a stormtrooper with blasters, or as an Orion with a bat'leth. Some of that in Skyrim too, actually. If that's the lore I wanted to have, that's what matters. I don't see how it's any different for you and magic.


The only question really is if anyone wants to do that for you, or if you want to learn to do it yourself. I'd recommend the latter, as I was saying before, but you could get lucky and find someone who'll do that. Probably won't happen, though, but it could.

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