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Skyrim is for the Nords. But not Druids?


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I'd love to see a mod that brings in more Druid RP. I play with Hunterborn, Campfire, Imperious Races and Forgotten Magic. These really add to the druid/hunter vibe. But it's sort of destroyed when you are having to defend yourself from, and kill Spriggans. It would be amazing if there was a simple mod to at least make Spriggans, and some wildlife, not attack you if you identify as druid. More spells, clothing, weapons, buildable housing, etc for the more advanced modders.

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A little less immersive alternative would be to simply add yourself to the spriggan faction via console. Just type "player.addfac 3e094 4". From then on spriggans, sabrecats, bears, and wolves won't attack you, and rabbits, deer, elk, foxes, and wild goats won't flee from you. Sadly this won't effect trolls, giants, mammoths, horkers, slaughterfish, mudcrabs, chaurus, or frostbite spiders.

Edited by JasperBark
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Wrath of Nature - The Path of the Druid



Druid Essentials



Druid Conjuration


That's only THREE Druid based mods.

Have you Searched "Druid"?

There's a bunch of Druid Spells, Clothing, Weapons, Housing

Yes I did. Did you read my post? I'm talking about an immersive mod that changes interactions with Spriggans and some animals. As well as adding in spells and such. But thanks for the suggestions. I'll check out your links.


A little less immersive alternative would be to simply add yourself to the spriggan faction via console. Just type "player.addfac 3e094 4". From then on spriggans, sabrecats, bears, and wolves won't attack you, and rabbits, deer, elk, foxes, and wild goats won't flee from you. Sadly this won't effect trolls, giants, mammoths, horkers, slaughterfish, mudcrabs, chaurus, or frostbite spiders.

Thanks! That's seriously awesome. Is there a way to just remove the Spriggans? I wouldn't want to deaggro most of the animals because that eliminates the need for Bosmer powers or some spells. But what an awesome suggestion.

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Oh yeah, I just checked these out and realize I've already looked at them before. I didn't like Wrath of Nature because it seemed way overbalanced and unimmersive. The powers you get are over the top for animal forms. Druid Essentials seemed to feel a little fake to me. I didn't feel it fit in well with Skyrim. Especially the home and some of the abilities. I liked Druid Conjuration but didn't feel learning how to conjure painted cows and rabbits would be worthwhile. I mean the Spriggans and dragons are cool. But I also didn't feel that was what I had in mind. I'm wanting more of a bummy, survival, living off the land, at one with nature-type of vibe. And all three of those were over the top. But thanks again for the recommendation because it makes me see how to define my suggestion a bit better.

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Some of these might be worth checking out idk I wasn't exactly reading thoroughly when searching for these. Btw I like your profile pic! Is it a snow elf or is it something else? Either way, SKYRIM IS FOR THE FALMER!


also this might be an interesting follower mod you'd like, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81921/

Trust me you'll love her.

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Wow your suggestions are awesome. Thanks! My profile pic is I don't know. I just have a thing for white skin and hair. My original Morrowind char was a Meadow Fae (Korana's) and she had white skin and hair.


Anyway, the thought I had for my druid character was to have there be rituals to perform at those round places the Spriggans go. Maybe you get spells by doing them, or activating pillars or something. You can save Spriggans from enemies and make them your friends. Maybe a spell that you can give healing energy to a taproot and grow a new Spriggan. Or resurrect a dead one found among witches and hagravens by implanting a new taproot? That killing witches/Forsworn could make nature forces grow. You know something more immersive and involved.


Have you checked out Epic Restoration? That is a seriously killer mod. It works great with Religion. This game is so lacking in immersion that I get so excited when I find a good mod to bring some in.

Edited by Darklustre
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Ah, this gives me more to work with.




These two might be good for reviving our spriggan friends. There is another one that I personally use for immersion but can't find it again for some reason, it depends on the player's restoration level and number/quality of healing potions in your inventory, however it won't work if it was you who killed the victim, so you'll have do deal with the consequences of your actions. Also you have to revive them quickly after they died otherwise their spirits pass on and can't be resurrected.


This one below isn't specifically for for druids or saving spriggans but has a spell called "light of life" that puts a cloak like effect on the player and will heal all non-hostile npcs including animals, atronachs, followers, and yes, spriggans regardless if they are following you. However it hurts undead and dwemer machines. I seriously recommend it, the mod is awesome and criminally underrated, and the author of it is a great guy, I talk to him a lot through the nexus.


Hope these help. As far as I know there isn't any ritual mod for what you want, sorry :(. But I may be wrong.

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