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Internet Trolling...should it be a criminal offence


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When something is made illegal> that is not considered freedom you have. You are not free to do so. Making it illegal calling someone a jerk means you are not free to say that any longer. All this talk about proper harassment is something else other than making an 'offensive post on the internet'. It's already governed by laws, restraining orders etc. We are talking about trolling, not harassment. Any offensive comment, baiting, sarcasm etc seems within the gun sights here. Edited by Ghogiel
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We are talking about trolling, not harassment. Any offensive comment, baiting, sarcasm etc seems within the gun sights here.

I guess I see the difference between posting criticism of a person that is informed, or just blankly insulting them because of a difference in methods or beliefs... and posting hateful comments purely for your own entertainment or to get a hostile reaction back.


In the first case, it is using your speech in a way to communicate some conflict or to express disappointment in some sort of actions. Even if the wording is strong and offensive, the underlying motive is usually to improve the situation, fix what is wrong, or make that person aware of an alternate viewpoint. Being offensive in this context may not always yield desired results, but often makes the strength of the feelings clear. To put it in contexts related to this site, this ranges from everything from "I don't like this mod because..." to "Your mod is s*** and made my game crash, I hope you get cancer you..." One is probably more helpful than the other, but both manage to communicate some dislike of the mod, even if one of them is not appropriate.


In the second case... It is just being callous to that person and is little more than a cry for attention or the result of someone who frankly can't care beyond wanting to see what happens when they stir things up. In context related to this site this is everything from "Suck my dick!" to "I'm going to hunt you down, rape your dog, skin you alive, and wear your skin around like a you suit. Go Satan!" and worse, which probably isn't worth even repeating... None in this group are particularly helpful towards communicating anything meaningful, but can potentially indicate some sentiments which might to actual harm. Posting offensive comments on a page in memory of a dead person accomplishes nothing other than being an ass and trying to get attention from others. The only reason why it can escalate to such a level is because of the assumed anonymity that online interactions allow.



The thing that most everyone forgets is that for most people, what they say doesn't actually have ANY importance on the greater stage. Everything which has been mentioned in this entire debate forum ultimately amounts toward nothing regarding government policy, political views, or overarching philosophy. Most of those who are afraid of losing their freedom of speech, or think the government will come shut them down have been completely ignored or just written off as just another part of the discontented public. Even political pundits (people who are paid for sharing their opinions) tend to result in little more than just taking up oxygen and reflecting the same sentiments that some part of the population already share, but which has relatively little impact on end policy.


The real revolutionaries don't care about what is and is not allowed because they will do it anyway simply because they believe it to be right. Loss or rights, or even monitoring won't change this simple fact... It will however make it harder for people to be both upset, but still within their comfort zone of having something to lose. This is because, when you really get down to it, it only matters on a personal level, so as long as people are kept reasonably happy or given some belief that things are improving, they will agree with anything... even genocide.

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Can we just clear this up? this law will not make trolling a criminal offence, all it does is let victims know the identity of the troll so they can take civil action. If you can't afford to take civil action or the troll has nothing worth suing for then whole thing is a little pointless, unless of course you decide to take a more direct course of action against the troll in which case you'll find yourself in jail. For your average Joe this law is worthless, it will only benefit the wealthy who already abuse our laws to silence people.
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Oh, right. I thought that one dude was arrested for saying 'You let your dad down i hope you know that.' had something to do with the thread topic, and thread topic is misleading as well then. I thought this was going to be an arrestable offence. In the case that it is not, then who ever was saying it's all about remaining anon on the net, that has my +1.


To answer the OP then. No trolling should not be a criminal offence. Also what Jim said, even if it is not criminal, it being civil means more shush powers to those who are in the position to wield it.


@Vagrant: Both are offensive, reasoning which one is for the greater good is subjective. It matters not if it is you who is being offended.

Edited by Ghogiel
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What this ultmately boils down to is ... accountiblitiy ... or rather the lack of wanting to be held liable for your criminal actions.


People need to realise that if you cross the line and decide to target individuals or companies, organisations etc., with hate speech then you could be in line to be sued for defamation.

For too long people have gotten away with this type of thing citing freedom of speech, blah blah blah blah ... what utter nonsense ... defamation is a criminal offense ... just like stealing, or driving through a red light, or assault ... they're all laws ... so why should I let you get away with this one just because I cannot see you ?


Why should distance be a factor ?

You broke the law and now you will pay ... it's that simple.

I want the right to sue you just as if you were my next door neighbour ... I want recourse ... you're a law breaker and I'm going to sue your pants off, that's it end of story.


I'm not going to sit and split hairs with you over what you perceive to be bad or not ... I don't have the time for that ... my lawyer is going to tell me whether or not I have a case against you and if I do then you're history.


Currently, do I have that right ... do you ?

Would you not like to be able to protect your reputation or that of your family, your business etc. ?

You would, great, then support this legislation and burn the trolls at the stake ... make them pay, teach them a lesson, distance and or anonymity should be no barrier to justice.


People who do not want to be accountible for their actions whether they be verbal or physical should be viewed with suspicion. ... why would you want to get away with crime ?


I say that an International Law Commission on Cyber Crime should be established and a Cyber Crime Bill be published and adopted by all nations thus making it easier to prosecute offenders.

It's one thing to disagree with a politician etc., but a completely different thing to cross the line of common decency, which btw isn't so common and break the law by defaming them.

Edited by Nintii
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@Vagrant: Both are offensive, reasoning which one is for the greater good is subjective. It matters not if it is you who is being offended.

The greater good was never a question. The underlying motive for even making a comment was. Trolling in the greater sense is primarily just that second group who is leaving a comment solely to be offensive because they feel like it and they can get away with it. That is essentially the point behind this whole topic, to give individuals a path to track down and hold those who step over the line accountable.

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sued for defamation.

Not really what is in question. Calling someone a jerk is not defamation, it's an opinion and isn't claiming to be factual. It is offensive though, which is what is in the crosshair. Trolling or making an offensive comment isn't defamation.


@Vagrant: Both are offensive, reasoning which one is for the greater good is subjective. It matters not if it is you who is being offended.

The greater good was never a question. The underlying motive for even making a comment was. Trolling in the greater sense is primarily just that second group who is leaving a comment solely to be offensive because they feel like it and they can get away with it. That is essentially the point behind this whole topic, to give individuals a path to track down and hold those who step over the line accountable.

Accountable for what and to what end is the point. Stating your opinion on the internet?

Edited by Ghogiel
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How is leaving a plainly offensive comment solely to cause grief related to stating an opinion. Going back to that tribute page for someone who was hit by a train, how is the comment:

I fell asleep on the tracks lolz

doing anything other than entertaining the despicable person who left the comment and hurting those who are distraught over the loss of someone they care about?


Trolling is not expressing an opinion, it is doing something that inconveniences another because you can. It is essentially calling an empty elevator just before the end of the business day, crapping in the corner, and getting out on an empty floor so that nobody knows it was you, but someone is stuck dealing with your s***. Even if there was some underlying reason for the behavior, it doesn't matter since there is nothing to differentiate that one actual reason from the hundreds of others that it could be.

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Isn't that kind of what pranks are? Doing things that would be considered bad and possibly embarrass or hurt someone for your enjoyment?


Should pranks be illegal?

Some pranks are illegal, some others just mean a civil suit, exactly because they hurt someone or cause damage to property. Blowing up mailboxes for example.

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