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Trouble with File format.


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Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong manually downloading mods? Very simply I download Alternate start mod, I hit download manually button, its defaulting to media player file in my downloads folder, I want it to be the regular folder you get when manually downloading.


Can anyone guide me why this is happening? I then use 7 zip to try and open file and it says it can't open media file lol, this is just not right.


Thank you

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Right Click on the Mod in Question (Compressed File)


For the Open With - Click on Change - then Select 7Zip - if it is not their by default, then click on Browse - and go to this Address: C:\Program Files\7-Zip, and select 7zFM.exe. (7zip file manager, the other 1 is command line)


then click on open, highlight it, and click on OK


now all Compressed Archives that use the same extension as the mod will now use 7zip by default. you will need to do this for other compressed archives that uses the opposite compressed file extensions, as most will either use Rar or Zip.


so say the mod in question used the Rar file extension, all Rar Files will now automatically open with 7Zip


and likewise you might have to do the same steps for any file that uses the Zip File extension (although 7zip should automatically be set to open these compressed files by default)


for it to be set as Media Player, that means whatever file you had before that was set to open Compressed Archives would of been Deleted, such as Winrar, or Winzip.

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