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nexus is slow, very slow


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Currently we are being swamped by all of the new people who have just downloaded Dawnguard and simultaneously discovered The Nexus. We are seeing around a 30% increase in site usage. Unfortunately, we cannot just increase bandwidth instantly to accommodate this flood.


Bethsoft & Steam gave us no warning that Dawnguard was going to be released for PC. In fact, they were implying that it would be several weeks before it was ready and like everyone else we were not fully prepared.


My experience with this kind of spike in usage is that it will die down in a couple of weeks as the people who jump on the newest game, then finish it quickly - move on to the next newest game. We will likely see a third of the new people actually stick around, and even fewer become regulars. So, the current 30% increase in usage will eventually become more like 5% or so - which will be much more manageable.


Hang in there, there are more goodies coming from the Nexus in the future :woot: - Dawnguard has slowed down development while we deal with the influx though. o_O

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This release of Dawnguard took me quite by surprise. Here I am, reinstalling my Skyrim after a self-inflicted modding mistake, and suddenly, everything screeches down to a grinding snail's pace. It took all night for those infamous, thrice-damned 'Steam updates' to d/l.

Ya gotta love surprises eh? :thumbsup: lol.


@buddah: "I love it when a plan comes together!" lol! Classic Colonel Hannibal Smith! :thumbsup:

Kind regards, AmadanBezerk

Edited by AmadanBezerk
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Just out of curiosity would be caused by the high usage?




It happens when I try to view files, sometimes clicking file tabs will load the wrong one (click comments loads description). I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case, it was fine before DG.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 6:05 PM, Ironman5000 said:
clicking file tabs will load the wrong one (click comments loads description)...


Yeah, I've been getting that too. Sometimes, even if I'm browsing comments (for example) I'll suddenly get thrown to the description (for example). I'm thinkin', yeah, it's a volume/dawnguard thing.

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Well, I am trying to update a few mods through NMM after some time away from the game and after an update to the latest version/patch of Skyrim. The first 5 or 6 mods would not even start in NMM before they timed out or whatever. Finally I got one to download, at a whopping 20-30 KBytes/sec. Funny that the manual download works a lot faster. Never had this problem with NMM before. (Oh, forgot to add that my top download speed is about 1900-2000 KBytes/sec)
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My goodness.....speeds were not this bad when Skyrim itself was introduced. At least NMM is not timing out now, but it still takes forever to download if the file is big enough.


Edit: It seems that I only post to praise mods or to complain about Nexus.....I don't want to come across that way (the complaining part anyway)......sorry if I do!

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