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Textures vs. Screen Resolution...


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This may sound a bit of a no-brainer question, but when it comes to 1k/2k/4k textures for clothing (or anything, I suppose), do you need a 4k screen for 4k clothes? Or would a 1080p screen still render 4k clothing fine? If this works, at what point would hardware upgrades be necessary? Just one of those things that I haven't learned yet.


Thanks all. :smile:

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higher quality textures, will keep their detail the closer you are to it, (such as zooming in) lower quality textures will look bad the closer you get to it, and very low resolution textures will look terrible regardless of distance but ,even more so the closer you get to it. (regardless of monitor resolution). the only difference is, lower quality textures will look even worse on a higher resolution monitor, however higher quality textures will look better on a higher resolution monitor, simply because they will be more defined on a higher resolution monitor


4K textures Will look Very Good regardless whether its viewed on a 1080p or 4k monitor.


Ultra HD Textures do not lose quality when using lower resolution monitors.


For Reference, i am on a 1080p monitor, and run my game almost exclusively with 4k - 8k textures, and my game looks amazing, far better then if every texture was 1k, if my game was exclusively using 1k textures, it would look far inferior.


For Higher Resolution Textures, the only thing Required is more Video Ram (and harddrive space, as higher resolution textures are considerably bigger in size).but yea the main thing you will want is more Vram as textures Exclusively use Video Memory.


if you are Planning to run a game full of 4k and Higher Textures, you will want atleast 8GB of Vram. which is almost standard these days, especially as graphics cards are starting to ship with 12 GB of Vram, as this trend continues, then it is only a matter of time where 8GB vram will be the new minimum.


to really highlight this post however, is simply look at an 8K texture compared to a 1k texture of the same texture, and you will see a huge difference.


Simply Put, yes 1080p Will render a 4K Texture, and it will look Very Good.

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It's worth keeping in mind that the higher the resolution the more VRAM they will use. You dont want to max out your VRAM.

Which texture resolution you use depends on how much VRAM you have.

I have 8gb VRAM and use mostly 2k textures. 4k for mountains.

Theres quite a few mods that come in 1k, 2k and 4k. Download all the options then test them in game (you could use mathy79 landscape textures to test)

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Excellent question! Excellent Answers. I hate to admit I'm playing on a 27" TV that only does 1360x768... :| Looks good to me (easier to see at 58) but I'll admit in 2011 my 22" monitor at 1680x1050 with a texture pack (dun remember size) looked definitely better than my current texture pack (Skyland right now prolly 1k).


I'm glad to hear that using maybe 2k textures for my setup might make things look better even at 1360x786. Thanks!

Running a Phenom x6 1100T/ 16GB Ram / GTX 1050ti 4GB DDR5... Might have to switch back to that 22" Gateway... Hawhaw, It's stil going strong.. Maybe bigger's NOT better??? lol...

Good thread.. laters..



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Thanks for the help - trial and decision time. :laugh: It does make sense with the higher resolution images able to zoom closer with much-reduced loss of quality. It's been too long since I really dove into the details of hardware and contemplated (some of) the hows and whys. Learning more every day. :D


Again, thanks for all of the input; it's very much appreciated.

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