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Auto Sort Container Mod


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I have look but i can not find any mod that allows you to just drop items in a container and then go to a terminal to auto sort them to other chests. I am looking for this because I need to setup sorting and not be tied to any one location; I want to have this in each settlement if possible

If anyone is feeling adventurous or knows of a mod this can do the following:


1.) Place down specific Scripted Storage Containers link to a 'Dump Chest'.

2.) Access a sorting terminal that will auto sort items in 'Dump Chest' to the respected scripted Containers


I was thinking about doing it myself but i can not understand how scripting works and applying them to objects; so I am hoping something like this is simple enough.


As a better example:


Place down a custom Storage: Ammo, Explosives, Small Guns, Heavy Weapons, Energy Weapons, Clothing, Armor (Raider, Metal, Synth, Combat, etc), PA Pieces, Chems, Food, Collectables, Legendary Items. Then place down the Dump Chest. Go to a terminal and activate sort Dump Chest.


I know someone will comment about the sorting tabs in the game; but this will show me every item in my storage and a sort mod allows me to better filter items in containers beyond WEAPONS|APPAREL|AID|MISC|JUNK|MODS

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Using a script I can know the main object types, if an object is armor, weapon, potion, misc item... Weapons and potions have keywords that would tell me what kind of item they are for most of the objects, but not all.

For armor and misc item there's no way to know what type of item it could be. So there's no way to make a proper sorting unless I create Form Lists for each type of items, the problem with this is that the mod would be incompatible with objects from mods/DLC because you would need to add the items to these lists so you would need an extra esp for each mod/DLC that introduces new items to the game.

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The problem are not the main types, like misc item and armor; its the "sub-types", for example I can know that an object is an Armor, but not if it is Raider, Metal, Synth, Combat, etc.

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