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Is anyone playing Dawnguard WITHOUT bugs/ crashing?


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I got a lot of mods only problem I ran into playing was my follower sometimes didn't want to follow me going from inside cell to an outside cell but it was rare. Probably ran around for a total of 25 hours and no crashes or bugs that I ran into - 1.7 with dragon script and skse
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Bumped into one last bug today when finally finishing the Dawnguards questline. The crazy Arkay-mage seems to have a bugged weapon, as he hovers around doing the draw-weapon animation over and over during the final offensive. It made my head hurt so I fos-ro-dah'ed him out in the water :P



Other than that, I managed fine with my above mentioned minor glitches. Seems to me like the vampire faction is more bugged than the dawnguards though. But most of all the problems that are reported are because of conflicts with various mods and game-changes they have installed (Even if deactivated in some cases). So I think it looks a lot worse than it really is.



Ahh, perhaps that might explain it, vampire side gets screwed while dawnguard are happy go lucky? Maybe its not that simple.

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I am so happy! After wrestling for more than an hour with quests that won't start, missing meshes, missing textures, and inability to leave town due to a border removal mod conflict, I finally I Dawnguard playable! This is the hardest I have ever had to work with the software to get a Bethesda product running.


It sounds bizarre, but the main thing I had to do to fix the problem was unpack my Dawnguard.bsa file and install it as loose files.

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Ahh nice David. Unpacking BSA's always seem to fix the strangest of problems :P



Ahh, perhaps that might explain it, vampire side gets screwed while dawnguard are happy go lucky? Maybe its not that simple.


Just saying. Most complaints I hear are about the vampires campaign. That's where most of the heavy scripts are, race changing, and changes to skills/perks and all that sensitive stuff. While the Dawnguards only main addition is a new type of weapon, which has created a few conflicts with various gameplay-mods. But the rest of Dawnguard faction related stuff are very simple additions. So it's quite logical when you think about it technically.

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Been having big issues with mine. First a lot of freezing. Not low fps, just sudden complete freezes. CTRL-ALT-DEL and stop game in task manager freezes. :wallbash:


Then when I finally got one character to work, the Vampire Lord is so bugged (probably due to my mods) that I can't use it most of the time and when I do I can't revert back to human. :wallbash:


Very gambreaking problems for me. Which really sucks. I really don't want to do a complete reinstall. :wallbash: :confused:


Glad it's working for you guys though. Seems there may be some hope to fixing it.

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I reinstalled Skyrim (had mods installed manually, and did this for easy clearing out, to use mod utilities), updated to patch (had frozen at 1.4.21), ran Skyrim completely unmoded, got 2 Skyrim crashes (black screen, had to end task in task manager). Installed Dawnguard, other than another crash or 2 works great. I did get the no option to "Follow Me" after telling certain NPC to "Wait Here" 1 time, cleared up at the end of the quest I was on (the Forgotten Vale 1), just before the Boss battle. I went completely through the Vampire Main quest line without anything else happening (except the journal pages quest not showing the markers). This was without any mods (idk how I did it without SkyUI, and Categorized Favorites Menu).
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The only bug I've had so far is that one of the people that tells you about the dawnguard getting ready to hunt vampires was just a red transparent triangle with a normal head. It was like looking at the render window on the creation center. Other than that I've had no other bugs and everything has been just fine..."knock on wood".
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bugs: besides the fact, that my body becomes invisible when i turn into vampire lord form (clothes are visible, but the body is invisible = floating clothes) and that the questmarker for Fort Dawnguard is totally f***ed up, i have encountered no bugs so far.


quick update!


the bug with the invisible body while in Vampire Lord form was fixed for me.

I am using the Unique Character mod and thats why my char went invisible.

roberto400 (creator of the mod) released a fix for Dawnguard.


While playing the quest "Touching the Sky" i got the followers bug. i told Serana to wait for me and after getting back to her i couldn't tell her to follow me again. But this bug fixes itself after completing the quest.


Now i have finished the Dawnguard Mainquestline (as a vampire) without another bug.

lets hope the sidequests will work without bugs.

I will try to give the Dawnguard Mainquestline a go later on. i want to see the "other" side too :D

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I played for a few days on the Dawnguard side with no problems but now I cant get through the Soul Cairn without CTD in the quest "Beyond Death" for some reason, it always crashes about where I see the horse. Im guessing that it is a mod conflict although I only have about two dozen installed. :wallbash: I had to revert to an earlier save and leave Serena waiting at the jetty for now.
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