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Offering 3d models for skyrim


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If you find out anything please share it with the community. I keep searching, but I've found very little information on this. The major issues seem to stem from using a new skeleton, and while I'm sure there are people who have done it, there is very little information on HOW they did it. And that's just on the graphical side without worrying about scripting.


I don't think the scripting would be as bad as people are making out in the thread unless you want some type of new behavior. You really could copy everything from the slaughterfish for those animals and just use your own animations for each event.


Also, just to add, you keep making aquatic type animals, but I remember reading somewhere that there are issues when placing creatures in the water... Something about if you put them too far away from land it freezes up the game or slows it down or something?


There might be something to that since I don't ever recall encountering slaughter fish in the actual ocean in game. I could be wrong.

Edited by Stemin
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I don't think the scripting would be as bad as people are making out in the thread unless you want some type of new behavior. You really could copy everything from the slaughterfish for those animals and just use your own animations for each event.


Ok, then show us how smartypants :hurr:


Also, just to add, you keep making aquatic type animals, but I remember reading somewhere that there are issues when placing creatures in the water... Something about if you put them too far away from land it freezes up the game or slows it down or something?


Yes. There are certainly performance issues with placing creatures in the ocean, especially under icebergs and such. It can cause bad lag. It takes a lot of trial and error to find suitable spots to place the creatures without causing lag.


There might be something to that since I don't ever recall encountering slaughter fish in the actual ocean in game. I could be wrong.


Ah, but there is "Jaws: Deadly Oceans" :tongue:

Edited by steve40
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I really hope someone is working on this. This is as exciting as DLC for me. I have yearned for creatures like this for a long time, considering they fit the setting. Besides, what's better than Narwhal type creatures and humpback whales in Skyrim's ocean? NOTHING! (unless maybe a lochness-monster comes along.........) If nobody happens to want to work on these, I'll give it a shot, but it would definitely be a long time for me to get used to working with creatures.
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Ok, then show us how smartypants :hurr:


Show you how to do what? Copy a slaughterfish?


Ah, but there is "Jaws: Deadly Oceans" :tongue:


That would be a mod, not stock, which is what I was (clearly) referring to. I don't have the time, nor inclination to keep track of all the mods out there.

Edited by Stemin
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Wow this thread is still alive.


Ok well a few weeks back I managed to get a model to import where the skeleton worked, so that's something at least.

The bit that didn't work was the havoc tool converting animation files to 3dsmax friendly formats.


My Cmd ms dos program refuses to work (wtf windows?)


I have a contact who worked with mods who i haven't bothered in a while, so I'll bug her again.

As i said before, I can rig and animate, but its the implementation I have neither the time nor ability to attempt.

Been busy trying to sort paid freelance so don't have much time atm.


The whole buggy lag thing with the fish in oceans, the LOD system in skyrim seems odd. Dragons have LOD models, but slaughter fish just fade in and out with opacity, maybe thats the issue? If you scale up a slaughter fish into a big creature, you would need LODs perhaps.


/epic shrug

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As a few others have pointed out, I really do believe that getting in touch with dogtown1 of Skyrim Monster Mod is probably amongst your safest of bets - he's gotten some sea creatures working (pretty sure there was a shark in a recent update), so it appears to at least be possible.


The lack of attention that has been paid to your work thus far is almost criminal, but ah, this community seems to be fueled more by action than words these days.


Anyway, just wanted to chime in and say that I would also love to see your work in-game as it really is quite fantastic. Good luck getting it to that point!

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How much time it will take a guy to learn how to model like these?


How much a good modeller make a 4000, 8000, 12000 faces mesh?


And you cannot add any new animations without to replace. The monster mode doesnt add any new animation.


Skyrim Editor sucks, was good if it had an editor like Starcarft 2.

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they are awesome and I hope you find someone that can help get them working, *just starting and planning a mod, that they would fit into but im just starting with the race still, then a companion, quest to alternate world thats mostly underwater in the beginning and then land and sea, so I do so hope you get them in some how ^ ^ they are awesome. though they would be cool to have the whale even if unable to make it move as like the mammoth in the glacier, a whale in one maybe? ^ ^ though id much rather love to see it moving awesome work and good luck, and hope to see that you get pulled into a mod ^ ^


< has to figure out how to make an underwater race lol O.o i draw but not into 3d XD


awesome work though keep up the awesome work. ^ ^

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