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Site issues since Dawnguard


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Yeah - kudos to you for keeping us informed when it was possible (and hopefully DIDN'T cut your great holiday short). Painful regarding the extra fees for that one month... do you have a "donation" button buried somewhere on this website of yours?


Although I'm already premium, I'm happy to throw another $5 bucks at you, in the hopes a thousand other strangers might do the same thing and help cover those overage fees so that things can get back on track regarding acquiring new hardware and bandwidth for our future use...


<3 Sarharien

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hey Dark0ne hope your well, thanks for all you do for us! its more appreciated than you could ever know!


loved the pants analogy too, couldntve put it better myself, bethesda are great, but when they do things like that it can certainly be a pain as you've proven :)


good luck in sorting things out and once again thank you for all your hard work, i hope you had a good (if brief) holiday!



EDIT: will be going premium asap to help with the 5k bill :)

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Too bad, so sad, I am from an era that isn't all that clear anymore. My sense's are now what people call homeless peoples chatter, "The ways people were thinking, talking, and interacting around me when I was a youth are a fading from the world."


So I won't say anything, with any blunt force about what I think of the way business is being run today. Good day to you all.


Robin, I hope you and yours had a splendid vacation, "Mr. Scott".

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I keep getting 'Added 43 years ago'


Why have I been complaining about waiting for Dawnguard to hit PC? It seems it pre-dates the internet.







P.P.S (And the reason I initially posted)


Thank you for all the great work you've done for all of us over the years. All my love and luck xx

Edited by Ceipher
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