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bAllowScreenshot=1 but I cannot save screenshots anymore!


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Oblivion has stopped saving screenshots when I hit Print Scrn! I tried hitting print screen dozens of times when a Flame Atronach was walking around in Rosethorn Hall, and not a single screenshot was saved! I had menus turned off when I saved these screenshots so I turned menus back on and no matter how many times I try to hit print screen, it still does not save any screenshots! It does not even display any message that a screenshot was saved unlike it normally does when you save a screenshot! This tells me that it is NOT working period!


Both the Oblivion.ini in my save folder and in the Oblivion program directory have bAllowScreenshot=1 but I still cannot take screenshots!


All that comes up on Google is that I need to change it from 0 to 1 but I already did that and I still cannot take screenshots!


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