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I was wondering if someone please make some black female voices for the black female characters cause they all sound the same all white no offense to anyone but this game is lacking multiple voices for each race in my opinion I also would like to know if someone could not only make this for PC but also for XBOX One since I have the game for both PC and XBOX One thanks.

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Some of us may wonder what you mean by a "black female voice".

Voices are different depending on where the person lives.

A black female from London will sound a lot different from a

black female from The Bronx, or a black female from Texas, etc...

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Some of us may wonder what you mean by a "black female voice".

Voices are different depending on where the person lives.

A black female from London will sound a lot different from a

black female from The Bronx, or a black female from Texas, etc...


well I am talking about black girls from California and or New York and British black girls and yes Jamaican girls too just basically all black girls in general.

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But white girls and black girls can sound the same based on where they are from...

Um not really cause I was raised in a all black family and not one black girl I've been around sounded white and like I said this game lacks sorely on ethnic voices for any of the races that you chose from for example let's say you wanted an aisan character you would think that the charater would have a asian accent or a latin/mexican character it would sound with a spanish accent depending what ever character that you chose to make it should have that character ethnic accent not just a white persons voice all the time it really makes the game not so dull hell I turn off the voice just to read the words instead cause I got tired of hearing nothing but white persons voice overs.
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Vo over entire game?LOL Do you even realize how much tonns of text needs to be voiced?

So you saying it can't be done? I mean you would think the the developers of the game would at least ad the correct ethnic voices for the black,asian,latin,e.t.c. instead just keeping it with the white girl/guy voice overs I mean thet got a partially correct with preston garvey and a select few but didn't think about the game itself let alone the character creation at least have the correct voice overs fo each race thats all?

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if someone please make some black female voices for the black female characters cause they all sound the same ...

this game is lacking multiple voices for each race in my opinion

indeed, TR-Seven-One-TripleSeven;

I support your ambition and quest insofaras to have more aural voiced options -

modding is all about: more options and combinations.


Voices are part of the ambiance of the game,

from foley ambient nodes, through to singing, and the whimsy of 'fictional constructed languages',

voices add so much to a game.




due to technical constraints at the time of making the game,

it was not possible to make Better Regionalizations / Transliterations

to all known languages etc.

(when you think about it... it's almost like having to make 350+ of the same movie at the same time, to have a full voiced ensemble for all transliterations,

rather than the prior norm of 'subtitles' for regionalization).



So there's

Musicals of the Wasteland,

Shakespeare-ish Wasteland (replete with fictional constructed languages of the Wasteland)

Better Regionalizations and Transliterations - a collab of Traducteurie Sans Frontieres, etc

and the best bit, you can mix-n-match partially from among these, for even more combinatorics and customization.



recalling prior discussion on this point, TR-Seven-One-TripSeven,

I recall suggesting to look in the direction of Vocaloids, Soundboards, and stuff like

ASKFM, CastingCouch, and the Voiced Dialogue Creator Project, etc.

there was even mention of

"embeddable livestreamable aural nodes" as a potential for voiced companions etc... <--- just in time live acting.

it's "Murphy's Law of the Internet" in action -

chances are, if you can think of a thing, someone else somewhen else already has, and its already on the internet... somewhere.


granted - none of that is quite at a 'one-click solution, plug and play' state as yet,

but, it's at the 'cutting edge' of what can be done so far as we know.


A main barrier to this area of modding has been;

- lack of audio engineer level specialists (to do 'brute-force waveform matching' for vocaloid)

- and/or, lack of volunteers who are prepared to collab given the constraints of the FO4 EULA*



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