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Skyrim lagg with no reason! Please help [Emergency]


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Hey guys I've recently bought the Dawnguard DLC and I have been playing it since it got out and I'm just about to finish it. But one day when i woke up, took a shower got my breakfast and sat down to play I all of a sudden got really bad FPS lagg . Like it was totally skippy and hacky so i could barely walk straight without lagging like crazy. I am using the following mods and here are my specs. Note I usually play on ULTRA but now when i think about it all my settings seem to have been reseted? How do i know? Well my subtitles options were disabled and they're usually always enabled. So perhaps some option that was disabled before got enabled ? Please help me out. All answers are god like appreciated.



Specs http://i.imgur.com/8mAyK.jpg




Cloaks No imperial.esp

Cloaks player only.esp




realistic maps + roads !

amazing follower tweaks horse armors

ash pile expiration

baretheon armor

new bard songs

stone of berneziah quest mark

better dynamic snow

better magic

better water

birds and flocks

blackreach railroad

the paarhurnax fix

shadow sripping fix

wearable lanterns

chopping block / wood firex FIX

seratic armor dark

crimson tide blood NEW 2.2*

dense vegetation

distant detail

dynamic merchants

improved interior lightning

faster vanilla horses

greystone castle

racial bonus in description

here there be monsters

moonpath to elsewyr

enchanted high level gameplay

HQ show texture

increased bountry rewards

item sorting

knight of the nine battlemage

complete skyforge

lanterns of skyrim around cities


magic duel

magic light shadows

knight of the nineV2.6

more map markers

more dragon loot

more village animals

RNG dynamic guards

improved changed nightingale armor

heavy armory new weapons

quest and the realms of daedra

quest no mercy

quest sea of ghosts

quest the bigger they are

realistic lightning


respectful guards

ridgeview house

sabre cat companion akaviri samurai armor

skyforge map marker

skyrim crash prevention and fps performance

smithing extended

sounds of skyrim civilzation

Sounds of skyrim the dungeons

reduced distance npc greetings

terrain bumps

that's ice

two handed dawnbreaker

ultimate npc face unlocker

vanguard armor

warchief armor

werewolves of skyrim

weapon variant expansion

static mesh improvement mod



ap skyrim

arrowsmith dawnguard edition


give a dog a home

gleaming falls

herman the mad

stronger daedric artifacts

throwing weapons

unofficial skyrim patch

unblock activate.esp

demonic horse

revamped vampire lord

royal vampire hood

faster arvak

horseless headless horsemans axe

true vampire lord

dawnguard breezehome fix.esp

lightewight potions and poisons

enchanted soundtrack part 1

enchanted soundtrack part 2

follower trap safety

5kg dragons cales and bones

detailed minimap markers

silencers vestments OLD VERSION

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Have any programs running in the background that you forgot about? Any scheduled system maintenance that could be running (defrag, antivirus, etc)?


Not sure what would cause lag like that out of nowhere. You didn't change anything yourself? How big are your save files (located in C:\Users\[userName]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves)?

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Murkrow900, if Steam got access to Skyrim and automatically updated from patch v1.6 to v1.7

this might explain your settings getting reset and the sudden unexplainable lag.

Do you normally have Steam blocked?

Have you tried loading an earlier gamesave?

Have you looked at your INI settings for any changes?

Do you keep a backup of your Skyrim game/profile folders?

Have you tried using system restore on the Skyrim folder?

Have you tried verifying your game cache?

Is your Windows OS set to automatically update?

Do you have autosave turned on?

Edited by xlcr
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