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Screenshot Community Event: The Final Presentation


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In response to post #69340501. #69345769, #69346993, #69349005, #69363429 are all replies on the same post.

acidzebra wrote:

As someone who primarily uses this site to share and download mods, I had no idea there was such a vibrant "other" community right under my nose lol. Beautiful shots everyone, I enjoyed browsing through.

kaldaar wrote: so now you have a brand new lovely mustache right under your nose ;-)
chimichanga78 wrote: Don't give anything on this insult, acidzebra. Some people just can't deal with being happy.
kaldaar wrote: having a mustache is an insult?
you fly too high for me.
TeofaTsavo wrote: Wow Chimichanga.

The OP found a new thing.. "right under my nose". Connect... the.... dots. I'll type slowly here... where would one find a new mustache?

Kaldaar was being clever. Not insulting.

You, however, were very purposefully insulting

This is why people post zero comments rather than take 30 mins to ponder whether someone out there will take the most innocuous comment as an insult.

Sorry OP. Your post is nice.

Well maybe I am completely wrong here than and apologize to everyone involved.
Obviously everything was only meant nicely.
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In response to post #69317581. #69317731, #69318976, #69325661, #69327061, #69328151, #69328291, #69328346 are all replies on the same post.

kaldaar wrote: Oops... Am I late ?

Seems to be more
"Conflict and Struggle"
in the event comments
than in some screenies...

A different opinion always sounds like an aggression for some folks down here.
I hope some of them "artists" will never have to deal with the real "art world"
a scary world with a lot of criticism, good and bad, with many different opinions, often far from theirs...
I know, young kids usually don't accept criticism...

When everybody think the same way isn't it called a hive mind ? Boring.
When only one opinion is tolerated isn't it called totalitarianism ? Frightening.

Maybe you should make an exhibit instead of a contest.
Nothing to win, never!, no ranking nor "best 3", only sharing.
When artists wait for a prize, art dies and so comes the time of financials, billionaires and Jeff Koons.

Maybe you should work with other gamers sites to "publish" screenshots exhibitions in the future, in more than one place.
It will feed ego for sure. Some people need that. Fine.

Things can't work when you put "art" and "competition" at the same place.
Art prizes are bull...t.
You will only flatter egos. But it will not make this hobby grow as an art.
It's like ice and fire,
(Hearth Wind & Fire you say? cool)
tea and coffee,
Tom & Jerry,
my ex-wife and me,
"It just don't work"

I'm truly surprised to see so many people who call themselves "artists" involved in a kind of "art contest".
And don't tell me "It's not a contest it's an Event" come on, there's a ranking, a "jury selection"!
Ranking art is just a matter of profit balance, not a matter of art itself.
How one can say "this one deserve the first place and not this one".
What is the rating chart please ? Can you rate a feeling, an emotion?
Oh, is there a kind of "Glasgow emotional scale" to rate art ?
So Guernica deserves a 10 and Koons balloon dog deserves nothing; both are artists.
Who is the best Dali or Picasso ?
Or it is only a matter of skills and techniques mastery?

So maybe you should say it's not for newcomers,
only for "officially recognized and praised talented screenarcher" (still don't know what it is...)
Screen-technicians I would say.
(best to be in the jury friends list? okay fair enough, that's life)

But it is only my opinion,
I will never ask anyone to agree with me
and maybe I deserve tar and feathers for that... again.
And maybe this post will be deleted...

Would be glad to have the opinion of people who can flight above the clouds aka the organizers of the event.

Thanks for struggling.
Asaforg wrote: I'm really glad you posted this here too. :thumbsup:
kaldaar wrote: And I've even shaved my body hair for the next "tar and feathers" event.
And like always, people will read and understand the opposite of what I'm saying ;-)
ajhardy wrote: I can not speak for the art world, but in academia you can count on your best friends ripping you to shreds. If they don't do that, then they are not your friends because they are beating the folks that don't like you to the punch. Your friend criticize nicely, your enemies do it viciously. What needs to be said, is that valid criticism comments on the work and not the person. And good criticism bears in mind that you are dealing with another human being that deserves the same dignity as you feel you need. Great criticism is an art form and few achieve it because it addresses the work in a way that improves it and it leaves the individual validated. It is very easy to forget that the person you are dealing with here actually is a person. This is such an impersonal means of communicating on the internet that we can treat people as something much less than human and make them just an object to be dealt with.
kaldaar wrote: Nicely said.
I don't really catch the meaning of your post regarding the subject of mine.
But I prolly missed something and you're totally on the right side... English is not my language.

So to be clear, I mainly say I was disappointed to see the word "art" with the word "contest" and surprised to see so few "artists" not disappointed like me.
I wasn't talking about persons but about behaviors ( sorry Faculty of Psychologies remnants, my bad )

So even if what you say is true and very interesting, it as nothing to do with the subject of my post once more.
Shouldn't you try to talk about things I point in my post?

edited part,
Now, considering you're talking about what I said about the fact that critics are not easily accepted here on Nexus, I got you. I mean I got your idea.
TeofaTsavo wrote: When I become Princess of Terra I will abolish all forms of click "likes"
Also twitter.

The world is conversationally crippled, communication is only what is allowed, and the angry mob has hedge trimmers and electric torches to enforce the collective and revenge the pains of the triggered.

I come from an extended family of lifer infantry Non-Coms and WOs. Define "harsh critique" for me.. ok? I think even the most benign construction site "critique" would leave some rocking in a catatonic state.

And yet.. retail art "critique" would give both of them a run for the money for savagely blunt teardowns. Keep your heart in your chest and not on your sleeve.
kaldaar wrote: Don't know what you drink but I want the same thing ;-)
TeofaTsavo wrote: speyburn and coffee atm. Tis saturday and I'm not allowed at sr. center bingo anymore.

I've been informed by the Single Malt masters that fruity speyburn is a proper girly scotch.

Actually it's cheap, gives me my unwarranted Single Malt Creds, and is still rank enough where a bottle lasts me six months or more.

You really posted something spot on, lol. Nice one Kaldaar.
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In response to post #69292606. #69292866, #69309521, #69313606, #69314061, #69314346, #69329306, #69375549, #69376653, #69377453, #69377697, #69378121 are all replies on the same post.

Irstina wrote: Ooh, my dodgy custom pose made it to the 15 favorites? I'm honored. ;)

I think I spent like 30 minutes moving Rikke's hand in Blender to try and get it to look somewhat natural. At least Tullius was good enough to assume that pose on his own \o/

Some great scenes from everyone, including many of those not featured above - I count something like 90 participants so picking only 15 must have been challenging. Didn't expect the commentary but it's a great idea!

Looking forward to whatever the next event will be about. Getting some direction like this certainly helps in terms of creativity.
BigBizkit wrote: Cheers, glad you liked it!

I think it is impressive that you edited the pose yourself just to get the shot. Overall, I was very intrigued by your Civil War set!
TeofaTsavo wrote: Oh. Next "screenshot" contest can I just render it in DAZ with skyrim billboards and a ton of post process?
Remind me again how this contest was to be "inclusive" to the average user.
Lovely image.. but far beyond what most are capable of doing.. or affording.
Irstina wrote: I don't know about the others, but I haven't photoshopped my image(s), not because I wouldn't want to, but because I don't really know much about Photoshop.

I made a custom pose for Rikke which I learned to do from a tutorial on LL. I didn't know anything about Blender or custom posing before reading that guide, so if I could do it, being completely clueless, I think anyone could, -if- they want to put in that effort.

The only other thing outside the game that I did was stitching 3 images together in ICE to create the one you see above, which I learned from the "Panoramic Screenshot Technique" guide here on Nexus - which at the end of the day is just throwing the 3 images to the app and it does all the stitching and cropping for you. Although if I were more patient with camera positioning or changed my resolution I could achieve the same effect without this, it just felt more expedient to me to stitch them.

Other than that, it's just Snapdragon ENB - with mostly default settings, even.

All the programs I used are free, and I'm not exactly technically adept myself. I think what I did is theoretically well within reach of the average user and I would be more than happy to tell anyone how to do it if they were to ask, it's more a matter of whether they want to invest that kind of time in some silly screenshots, I find it fun, but most might not be interested in that kind of stuff.
EDV120 wrote: Hi Irstina,

You don’t have to explain yourself. You didn’t break any rules of the contest, you realized something, you liked the result and you wanted to share it with others. That’s the main thing, the rest is just frills. There will always be dissatisfaction, even in the face of perfection.
EDV120 wrote:
Oh. Next "screenshot" contest can I just render it in DAZ with skyrim billboards and a ton of post process?
Remind me again how this contest was to be "inclusive" to the average user.
Lovely image.. but far beyond what most are capable of doing.. or affording.

Most people who can’t afford it are people who are waiting for it to fall out of the sky rather than putting their hands in the dirt.

There are a lot of free software and a lot more tutorials. We must not be lazy to consult them.

Today, with the Internet and everything in it to make post-processing accessible to everyone, everywhere, even on a phone, the one who says, "I can’t afford it," is someone who says, "I don’t want to lift a finger, I want it to fall into my mouth".

None of the participants in this contest are responsible for the laziness of those who come here only to spit on the work done by hiding behind a false pretext. Everyone can afford to do post-treatment, but not everyone wants to do it. If they do not respect themselves, they should at least respect those who have understood that we are getting nothing without anything.

You know, almost a year ago, when I started, I knew absolutely nothing. Just the Print Screen key. I didn’t even dare post an image on the Nexus (or elsewhere) when I’ve been a member for almost three years.

Today I created my own Reshade, I’m thinking about creating my own ENB and I’m one of the 15 finalists, how do you think that happened ? By the operation of the Holy Spirit ? By invoking the Holy Patron of the Photoshopers or a genius in a bottle ? with sarcastic comments ? Complaints ? Negative reviews and pejorative comments ?

I learned by observing the work of others, reading tutorials, daring to participate in community events, listening to advice that wasn’t even meant for me, trying, over and over again (and also missing, repeatedly). I did this by being patient, determined, listening, and putting my pride and ego aside so that I could always move forward. Not overnight, but by taking the time to take the time.

It takes effort, effort that anyone can make ; effort that NO ONE can make for you.
TeofaTsavo wrote: thank you for your entertaining sermonette.
Fyrcynn wrote: .
Clanggedin wrote: Seriously, cut it off, this is getting ridiculous. We all know you are pissed, but the event is over, get over it, you are just trying to start the fire again and make people hate you.
Fyrcynn wrote: If you'd actually read my post, you'd know it isn't about the event per se, as I was referring entirely to his arguments detailing why he thinks the blame does not lie with him and others like him, so your post is unjustified. And I don't see you adressing him at all despite that, so I find your resentment a little one sided. I don't care about the event itself anymore, so let's at least be clear what the discussion is about. In which I'm not the only participant, might I add.

But that's fine I suppose, if you want to discuss this or other events, go right ahead. You can see from the comment section of other announcements that I'm not active anywhere, so you don't need to worry about running into me.
Clanggedin wrote: You know exactly what is the problem, stop trying to spin the narrative to make yourself like the victim. I've read every post here and in the previous post: first you made a point about photoshop, post-processing, etc; then, when someone gave his opinion, you started to be agressive and hypoerbolc, you left the technical argumentation to go on your morale high-horse, coupled with extreme condescendance, which you are again using now. This is that kind of attitude who makes everyone disliking you currently: you can't stand the fact that people have a different opinion than you and you are acting like if you were right and morally superior, by using ridiculous and out of context comparisons.
Others have voiced their opinion against the use of photoshop and ENB, and guess what? NO ONE was so pedantic, no one was so agressive, no one attacked everyone who was disagreeing with him.
The problem do not lies within your opinion, the real issue here is you: you are pissing everyone with your bad attitude, and you DARE to complain of seing your posts deleted? Again you try to spin the narrative and falsely pose yourself as the victim of somekind of censorship, breaking news: you are NOT censored, your posts are deleted because you are attacking everyone and because you cannot accept people with a different opinion than you, this is litteraly the attitude of the SJW's, and everyone hates the SJW's, precisely because they are obnoxious moral frauds who try to IMPOSE their views to everyone instead of accepting the mere idea of people having different opinions.

You are not being censored, no one is conspiring against you, YOU are the ONLY responsible for your posts to get deleted, because YOU behave like a petulant child.

So now, grow up, get over it and stop pissing everyone.
Fyrcynn wrote: Aggressive and hyperbolic? So forming criticism and standing by it is a negativity now? I'm fairly certain I didn't call anybody a child here no matter how annoyed I was with them. Yet that was your first reaction to me. Calling me out on being on a high horse according to you, while being far more belligerent and hateful in your post sounds like case of hypocrisy.

On the point of acceptance. Funny you mention that, because I don't see you accepting any of my points (which I supported by tangible observations and was confirmed by wolfgrimdark). Again, you demand something of me that you yourself are unwilling to give. Don't you think that's a little one-sided?

Besides, as I was just saying in my previous post, I don't want to bring this out any longer, since I'm not active in the comment section of any announcements at all, so you wouldn't have needed to flip out like that considering that you're not running into me anywhere. Check the timestamps and you'll see this announcement was posted on the 12th and today is the first time I appeared here. What's more, it's a little unrelated but I once again lament the fact that a user can't delete their own posts sadly - either because it's duplicate, became obsolete or any other reason, as it would be mighty useful. Like this time where I could utilize it to almost everyone's satisfaction. If someone could tell me whether or not there's a feature like that planned, that's be wonderful.

Shrug. I'll just erase it myself in a bit when I get back. Shouldn't take long.

EDV120 nailed it perfectly. Even the small amount of modding/blender/texture work I know I thought I could never do. YT vids, talking with modders, literally no money used at all, and a few forum tutorials later and I know more than I ever thought I would. The gap between nothing and the very little I know now, and the little I know and the amount these titans of modding know is the same process. Look it up, talk to people who already know it (without being rude), and then it's just practice and repetition. Anyone can do it, it's just time and ambition to do it.

P.S. Awesome screen btw Irstina, the pose looks great and the shot is very interesting, along with the whole set :D
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In response to post #69317581. #69317731, #69318976, #69325661, #69327061, #69328151, #69328291, #69328346, #69374037 are all replies on the same post.

kaldaar wrote: Oops... Am I late ?

Seems to be more
"Conflict and Struggle"
in the event comments
than in some screenies...

A different opinion always sounds like an aggression for some folks down here.
I hope some of them "artists" will never have to deal with the real "art world"
a scary world with a lot of criticism, good and bad, with many different opinions, often far from theirs...
I know, young kids usually don't accept criticism...

When everybody think the same way isn't it called a hive mind ? Boring.
When only one opinion is tolerated isn't it called totalitarianism ? Frightening.

Maybe you should make an exhibit instead of a contest.
Nothing to win, never!, no ranking nor "best 3", only sharing.
When artists wait for a prize, art dies and so comes the time of financials, billionaires and Jeff Koons.

Maybe you should work with other gamers sites to "publish" screenshots exhibitions in the future, in more than one place.
It will feed ego for sure. Some people need that. Fine.

Things can't work when you put "art" and "competition" at the same place.
Art prizes are bull...t.
You will only flatter egos. But it will not make this hobby grow as an art.
It's like ice and fire,
(Hearth Wind & Fire you say? cool)
tea and coffee,
Tom & Jerry,
my ex-wife and me,
"It just don't work"

I'm truly surprised to see so many people who call themselves "artists" involved in a kind of "art contest".
And don't tell me "It's not a contest it's an Event" come on, there's a ranking, a "jury selection"!
Ranking art is just a matter of profit balance, not a matter of art itself.
How one can say "this one deserve the first place and not this one".
What is the rating chart please ? Can you rate a feeling, an emotion?
Oh, is there a kind of "Glasgow emotional scale" to rate art ?
So Guernica deserves a 10 and Koons balloon dog deserves nothing; both are artists.
Who is the best Dali or Picasso ?
Or it is only a matter of skills and techniques mastery?

So maybe you should say it's not for newcomers,
only for "officially recognized and praised talented screenarcher" (still don't know what it is...)
Screen-technicians I would say.
(best to be in the jury friends list? okay fair enough, that's life)

But it is only my opinion,
I will never ask anyone to agree with me
and maybe I deserve tar and feathers for that... again.
And maybe this post will be deleted...

Would be glad to have the opinion of people who can flight above the clouds aka the organizers of the event.

Thanks for struggling.
Asaforg wrote: I'm really glad you posted this here too. :thumbsup:
kaldaar wrote: And I've even shaved my body hair for the next "tar and feathers" event.
And like always, people will read and understand the opposite of what I'm saying ;-)
ajhardy wrote: I can not speak for the art world, but in academia you can count on your best friends ripping you to shreds. If they don't do that, then they are not your friends because they are beating the folks that don't like you to the punch. Your friend criticize nicely, your enemies do it viciously. What needs to be said, is that valid criticism comments on the work and not the person. And good criticism bears in mind that you are dealing with another human being that deserves the same dignity as you feel you need. Great criticism is an art form and few achieve it because it addresses the work in a way that improves it and it leaves the individual validated. It is very easy to forget that the person you are dealing with here actually is a person. This is such an impersonal means of communicating on the internet that we can treat people as something much less than human and make them just an object to be dealt with.
kaldaar wrote: Nicely said.
I don't really catch the meaning of your post regarding the subject of mine.
But I prolly missed something and you're totally on the right side... English is not my language.

So to be clear, I mainly say I was disappointed to see the word "art" with the word "contest" and surprised to see so few "artists" not disappointed like me.
I wasn't talking about persons but about behaviors ( sorry Faculty of Psychologies remnants, my bad )

So even if what you say is true and very interesting, it as nothing to do with the subject of my post once more.
Shouldn't you try to talk about things I point in my post?

edited part,
Now, considering you're talking about what I said about the fact that critics are not easily accepted here on Nexus, I got you. I mean I got your idea.
TeofaTsavo wrote: When I become Princess of Terra I will abolish all forms of click "likes"
Also twitter.

The world is conversationally crippled, communication is only what is allowed, and the angry mob has hedge trimmers and electric torches to enforce the collective and revenge the pains of the triggered.

I come from an extended family of lifer infantry Non-Coms and WOs. Define "harsh critique" for me.. ok? I think even the most benign construction site "critique" would leave some rocking in a catatonic state.

And yet.. retail art "critique" would give both of them a run for the money for savagely blunt teardowns. Keep your heart in your chest and not on your sleeve.
kaldaar wrote: Don't know what you drink but I want the same thing ;-)
TeofaTsavo wrote: speyburn and coffee atm. Tis saturday and I'm not allowed at sr. center bingo anymore.

I've been informed by the Single Malt masters that fruity speyburn is a proper girly scotch.

Actually it's cheap, gives me my unwarranted Single Malt Creds, and is still rank enough where a bottle lasts me six months or more.
Fyrcynn wrote: You really posted something spot on, lol. Nice one Kaldaar.

I don't know, surely I didn't used the right tone.
I should avoid irony and sarcasm, it's not for everyone.
But thanks. I did the same as you a few years ago for more or less the same reason, deleting +/- 2000 screenshots. But I'm back and nothing have changed.
I ask too much to mankind (irony) they are not ready (sarcasm)
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Although I was (and still am) quite sceptical to turn the amazing events into a "contest" in which prizes can be won and contributions judged, I must say reading the reasoning between the choices is in my opinion a great idea.


Thanks everyone for contributing and sharing so many wonderful works.

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In response to post #69397777.

Xorp wrote: Although I was (and still am) quite sceptical to turn the amazing events into a "contest" in which prizes can be won and contributions judged, I must say reading the reasoning between the choices is in my opinion a great idea.

Thanks everyone for contributing and sharing so many wonderful works.

An appreciated nice and calm comment :)
Upvoted ;)
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In response to post #69317581. #69317731, #69318976, #69325661, #69327061, #69328151, #69328291, #69328346, #69374037, #69397469 are all replies on the same post.

kaldaar wrote: Oops... Am I late ?

Seems to be more
"Conflict and Struggle"
in the event comments
than in some screenies...

A different opinion always sounds like an aggression for some folks down here.
I hope some of them "artists" will never have to deal with the real "art world"
a scary world with a lot of criticism, good and bad, with many different opinions, often far from theirs...
I know, young kids usually don't accept criticism...

When everybody think the same way isn't it called a hive mind ? Boring.
When only one opinion is tolerated isn't it called totalitarianism ? Frightening.

Maybe you should make an exhibit instead of a contest.
Nothing to win, never!, no ranking nor "best 3", only sharing.
When artists wait for a prize, art dies and so comes the time of financials, billionaires and Jeff Koons.

Maybe you should work with other gamers sites to "publish" screenshots exhibitions in the future, in more than one place.
It will feed ego for sure. Some people need that. Fine.

Things can't work when you put "art" and "competition" at the same place.
Art prizes are bull...t.
You will only flatter egos. But it will not make this hobby grow as an art.
It's like ice and fire,
(Hearth Wind & Fire you say? cool)
tea and coffee,
Tom & Jerry,
my ex-wife and me,
"It just don't work"

I'm truly surprised to see so many people who call themselves "artists" involved in a kind of "art contest".
And don't tell me "It's not a contest it's an Event" come on, there's a ranking, a "jury selection"!
Ranking art is just a matter of profit balance, not a matter of art itself.
How one can say "this one deserve the first place and not this one".
What is the rating chart please ? Can you rate a feeling, an emotion?
Oh, is there a kind of "Glasgow emotional scale" to rate art ?
So Guernica deserves a 10 and Koons balloon dog deserves nothing; both are artists.
Who is the best Dali or Picasso ?
Or it is only a matter of skills and techniques mastery?

So maybe you should say it's not for newcomers,
only for "officially recognized and praised talented screenarcher" (still don't know what it is...)
Screen-technicians I would say.
(best to be in the jury friends list? okay fair enough, that's life)

But it is only my opinion,
I will never ask anyone to agree with me
and maybe I deserve tar and feathers for that... again.
And maybe this post will be deleted...

Would be glad to have the opinion of people who can flight above the clouds aka the organizers of the event.

Thanks for struggling.
Asaforg wrote: I'm really glad you posted this here too. :thumbsup:
kaldaar wrote: And I've even shaved my body hair for the next "tar and feathers" event.
And like always, people will read and understand the opposite of what I'm saying ;-)
ajhardy wrote: I can not speak for the art world, but in academia you can count on your best friends ripping you to shreds. If they don't do that, then they are not your friends because they are beating the folks that don't like you to the punch. Your friend criticize nicely, your enemies do it viciously. What needs to be said, is that valid criticism comments on the work and not the person. And good criticism bears in mind that you are dealing with another human being that deserves the same dignity as you feel you need. Great criticism is an art form and few achieve it because it addresses the work in a way that improves it and it leaves the individual validated. It is very easy to forget that the person you are dealing with here actually is a person. This is such an impersonal means of communicating on the internet that we can treat people as something much less than human and make them just an object to be dealt with.
kaldaar wrote: Nicely said.
I don't really catch the meaning of your post regarding the subject of mine.
But I prolly missed something and you're totally on the right side... English is not my language.

So to be clear, I mainly say I was disappointed to see the word "art" with the word "contest" and surprised to see so few "artists" not disappointed like me.
I wasn't talking about persons but about behaviors ( sorry Faculty of Psychologies remnants, my bad )

So even if what you say is true and very interesting, it as nothing to do with the subject of my post once more.
Shouldn't you try to talk about things I point in my post?

edited part,
Now, considering you're talking about what I said about the fact that critics are not easily accepted here on Nexus, I got you. I mean I got your idea.
TeofaTsavo wrote: When I become Princess of Terra I will abolish all forms of click "likes"
Also twitter.

The world is conversationally crippled, communication is only what is allowed, and the angry mob has hedge trimmers and electric torches to enforce the collective and revenge the pains of the triggered.

I come from an extended family of lifer infantry Non-Coms and WOs. Define "harsh critique" for me.. ok? I think even the most benign construction site "critique" would leave some rocking in a catatonic state.

And yet.. retail art "critique" would give both of them a run for the money for savagely blunt teardowns. Keep your heart in your chest and not on your sleeve.
kaldaar wrote: Don't know what you drink but I want the same thing ;-)
TeofaTsavo wrote: speyburn and coffee atm. Tis saturday and I'm not allowed at sr. center bingo anymore.

I've been informed by the Single Malt masters that fruity speyburn is a proper girly scotch.

Actually it's cheap, gives me my unwarranted Single Malt Creds, and is still rank enough where a bottle lasts me six months or more.
Fyrcynn wrote: You really posted something spot on, lol. Nice one Kaldaar.
kaldaar wrote: I don't know, surely I didn't used the right tone.
I should avoid irony and sarcasm, it's not for everyone.
But thanks. I did the same as you a few years ago for more or less the same reason, deleting +/- 2000 screenshots. But I'm back and nothing have changed.
I ask too much to mankind (irony) they are not ready (sarcasm)

Oh, you used the right tone, alright. And just because not everyone can understand irony and sarcasm doesn't mean you shouldn't use it. They are beautiful rhetorical tools when done well after all. And you did. I'm still laughing at some of the things you described.
If someone isn't wired so that they can understand the concept it is, it is not our fault or anyone's. Edited by Fyrcynn
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I like to see myself as something of a photographer, or well, photography hobbyist? heh..


Unfortunately, I kept looking at this event thingy and seemed to feel very uncomfortable and anxious. I obviously wanted to join in but I have always looked at the images and how they are rated / voted / judged / call it what you will (the very thing that this screenshot / image "event" involves - being judged and winners selected over others), anyway I've always looked at how images are rated and it's mostly boobs n ass that get endorsements and then ego boosts and I dunno.. I just get jaded.


Anyway, back on-topic.. being as self imposed jaded as I seem to be, I instantly felt hesitant to 'enter'? this event thingy. I still think it's great and can be fun and all, but I guess I must need more encouragement hehe I dunno <_<


I think my conflict (oops sorry) lies in the title; "Screenshot".


Therein lies the dilemma. Can you edit the screenshot? If the screenshots are being judged and prizes given out, how does the poor guy who can't afford photoshop or happens to be dyslexic and struggles with tiny words on a screen, possibly compete (yes you are unnavoidably in competition here) with those who have super duper photo shop and all that stuff?


<hides under a table>

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In response to post #69425069.

V1K1N9 wrote:

I like to see myself as something of a photographer, or well, photography hobbyist? heh..


Unfortunately, I kept looking at this event thingy and seemed to feel very uncomfortable and anxious. I obviously wanted to join in but I have always looked at the images and how they are rated / voted / judged / call it what you will (the very thing that this screenshot / image "event" involves - being judged and winners selected over others), anyway I've always looked at how images are rated and it's mostly boobs n ass that get endorsements and then ego boosts and I dunno.. I just get jaded.


Anyway, back on-topic.. being as self imposed jaded as I seem to be, I instantly felt hesitant to 'enter'? this event thingy. I still think it's great and can be fun and all, but I guess I must need more encouragement hehe I dunno <_<


I think my conflict (oops sorry) lies in the title; "Screenshot".


Therein lies the dilemma. Can you edit the screenshot? If the screenshots are being judged and prizes given out, how does the poor guy who can't afford photoshop or happens to be dyslexic and struggles with tiny words on a screen, possibly compete (yes you are unnavoidably in competition here) with those who have super duper photo shop and all that stuff?


<hides under a table>

I've attempted explaining why everything you've listed is wrong before and all I've gotten for response was either a "We don't care" or outright harassment. So I wouldn't expect much if you're looking for answers. Edited by Fyrcynn
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In response to post #69425069. #69429485 is also a reply to the same post.

V1K1N9 wrote:

I like to see myself as something of a photographer, or well, photography hobbyist? heh..

Unfortunately, I kept looking at this event thingy and seemed to feel very uncomfortable and anxious. I obviously wanted to join in but I have always looked at the images and how they are rated / voted / judged / call it what you will (the very thing that this screenshot / image "event" involves - being judged and winners selected over others), anyway I've always looked at how images are rated and it's mostly boobs n ass that get endorsements and then ego boosts and I dunno.. I just get jaded.

Anyway, back on-topic.. being as self imposed jaded as I seem to be, I instantly felt hesitant to 'enter'? this event thingy. I still think it's great and can be fun and all, but I guess I must need more encouragement hehe I dunno <_<

I think my conflict (oops sorry) lies in the title; "Screenshot".

Therein lies the dilemma. Can you edit the screenshot? If the screenshots are being judged and prizes given out, how does the poor guy who can't afford photoshop or happens to be dyslexic and struggles with tiny words on a screen, possibly compete (yes you are unnavoidably in competition here) with those who have super duper photo shop and all that stuff?

<hides under a table>

Fyrcynn wrote: I've attempted explaining why everything you've listed is wrong before and all I've gotten for response was either a "We don't care" or outright harassment. So I wouldn't expect much if you're looking for answers.

You can be assured a lot feel as you do, OP.
Producing copypasta clickbait for like harvesting is a common theme in most digital medium online galleries. The render "communities" are no better, but they do put on tiered contests with much tighter rules for new users generally.

Apparently the consensus here was "carte blanche". While a person can create very nice screens using simple console commands and a basic knowledge of composition and light, unfortunately the usual new user reaction to an established community is a perception that they "need" every bell and whistle. (a common problem in all competition). There is no encouragement or venue here for a new user to establish basic skills with the basic tools.


A good non pretentious basic guide to screenshots.


Also do a search for GIMP, a free imaging program that is more than you need to edit screenshots.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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