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How to make Dragon Claw holders

Difficulty: Medium

It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how the CK works.




- In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.




Okay, maybe it's just a Windows 8 thing, but that step doesn't seem to be working for me. When I click edit on the second window to choose the location of the model for the new object, I get stuck. The browser window opens into the "Documents" folder (and instantly creates a "relics" subfolder - I now have three levels deep of relics folders from multiple attempts...) Even if I paste the line in and click ok, all I get is "the location does not exist" and the window closes without adding anything.


This would probably work if the model location line from the original wasn't a relative link in the first place, or if the model location could be entered without having to use the file browser.


Is there another way I can go about this step? Or am I just extremely retarded and missing something obvious?




As a side question, are there any good tutorials out there (obviously text based) that deal with the details of setting up a custom home that's adoption friendly? All I've found so far just says that you have to be sure to flag everything that's required for the Hearthfires DLC to recognize a location as a valid home. Well that's a fat load of non-information... Any help would be appreciated.

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How to make Dragon Claw holders

Difficulty: Medium

It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how the CK works.




- In the ID field, type something like "GoldenClawStatic". Press the "Edit"-button next to the Model-field. A new window pops up. Press Edit. You will be prompted to select a model from you computer. Press Ctrl+V and hit OK. The Golden Claw should now be visible in the pop-up window. Hit OK. Hit OK.




Okay, maybe it's just a Windows 8 thing, but that step doesn't seem to be working for me. When I click edit on the second window to choose the location of the model for the new object, I get stuck. The browser window opens into the "Documents" folder (and instantly creates a "relics" subfolder - I now have three levels deep of relics folders from multiple attempts...) Even if I paste the line in and click ok, all I get is "the location does not exist" and the window closes without adding anything.


This would probably work if the model location line from the original wasn't a relative link in the first place, or if the model location could be entered without having to use the file browser.


Is there another way I can go about this step? Or am I just extremely retarded and missing something obvious?




As a side question, are there any good tutorials out there (obviously text based) that deal with the details of setting up a custom home that's adoption friendly? All I've found so far just says that you have to be sure to flag everything that's required for the Hearthfires DLC to recognize a location as a valid home. Well that's a fat load of non-information... Any help would be appreciated.



You have to manually create the folders in the



directory - I don't know if yours is supposed to be inside a folder called "meshes" or not, but when I had to do this, it was for the meshes folder. I am thinking you should create a folder there and call it meshes and maybe that will help the creation kit to spawn up the right folder for you, it did for me unless I recall incorrectly.


I have like three folders in my documents called "magic" or something now, so you're not alone.


(editted because appearantly I can't with english today)

Edited by ThatEscalatedQuickly
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You have to manually create the folders in the



directory - I don't know if yours is supposed to be inside a folder called "meshes" or not, but when I had to do this, it was for the meshes folder. I am thinking you should create a folder there and call it meshes and maybe that will help the creation kit to spawn up the right folder for you, it did for me unless I recall incorrectly.


I have like three folders in my documents called "magic" or something now, so you're not alone.


That did it, thanks!


Perhaps you (or anyone really) could help with another question?


I'm having a problem working with the Dragon Mask display, again from Sjogga. I followed his steps exactly and for the most part it seems to have worked well... except for Konariks. It will take the mask from the inventory and give it back, but it never appears on the bust like the others.


Any thoughts?


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I'm having a problem working with the Dragon Mask display, again from Sjogga. I followed his steps exactly and for the most part it seems to have worked well... except for Konariks. It will take the mask from the inventory and give it back, but it never appears on the bust like the others.


Any thoughts?


Never mind! A fresh copy from the Priest Sanctuary seems to have fixed the problem. Still don't know what went wrong.


Though I will note: Be sure to position Konarik (bust and activator) BEFORE changing the script to point to the bust. For some reason, once that change has been made, no matter where I positioned the set in the CK it would only move the activator in game. The bust would stay where it was when the script was pointed to it!


That just leaves me with the existing question: Does anyone know of a good tutorial for adoption friendly homes?

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How to make Dragon Claw holders



Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript extends ObjectReference  

MiscObject Property ClawToPlace  Auto  
{The claw we want to place}
Bool Property isPlaced = false Auto Hidden
Message Property FailMessage auto
{The message to show if the player dont have the claw in their inventory}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
	if(isPlaced == FALSE)  ; is the claw placed?
		if akActivator.getItemCount(ClawToPlace) >= 1 ; Does the player have the claw?
			isPlaced = TRUE
			self.getLinkedRef().enable() ; Enable the Static Claw
			(akActivator as actor).removeItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; Remove the claw from the players inventory
			FailMessage.show() ; If the player doesnt have the claw, show the Fail message.
		isPlaced = FALSE  
		self.getLinkedRef().disable() ; If the claw was already placed, disable the static claw
		(akActivator as actor).addItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; add the claw back.



This can also be used for Eldar Scrolls as well. Change MiscObject to Book in the script and add DLC1ElderScrollBlood DLC1ElderScrollDragon DLC1ElderScrollSun for dragonborn eldar scrolls and for vanilla eldar scroll If Dragonborn isnt used add DA04ElderScrollFurled to the trigger properties. Theres already a static Elder scroll that can be used or you can duplicate it, they all use the same mesh and texture.


Anyway Thanks for the tutorial on page 3.

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Scriptname DragonClawHolderScript extends ObjectReference  

MiscObject Property ClawToPlace  Auto  
{The claw we want to place}
Bool Property isPlaced = false Auto Hidden
Message Property FailMessage auto
{The message to show if the player dont have the claw in their inventory}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
	if(isPlaced == FALSE)  ; is the claw placed?
		if akActivator.getItemCount(ClawToPlace) >= 1 ; Does the player have the claw?
			isPlaced = TRUE
			self.getLinkedRef().enable() ; Enable the Static Claw
			(akActivator as actor).removeItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; Remove the claw from the players inventory
			FailMessage.show() ; If the player doesnt have the claw, show the Fail message.
		isPlaced = FALSE  
		self.getLinkedRef().disable() ; If the claw was already placed, disable the static claw
		(akActivator as actor).addItem(ClawToPlace, 1) ; add the claw back.
How can I change this script so that I can place any item I want down on a stand of some sort (eg. the bugs in jars)?




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