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Yes, That second library has space for 270 books and there is 270 different dungeons in total. I do them one by time, adding them to the mod, adding the Book burglars and a book to each and everyone by scripts. SO I do not make any changes in the dungeons them selves, except what happens in game when you get the quests for each of them, with a few exception, when I need to add a door opener so the player will be able to reach the book at all. 70 done so far, 3 door openers added as well. I start with the 150-170 dungeons that has no quests attached to them and I add those later that is quest related, but the quests attached to them must be completed first before you do the second visit, with new monsters and new goals. SO when I do those dungeons, much more needs to be done in the house then just adding a book to this library as then I need to add something related to the quest it has in the first place, like this, that will be visible after you got Benirus Manor:




The house will change for every single quest there is in game, adding a memorial somewhere, which is a form of achievements system. So the house will grow, follow my own progress. I made a single quest so far with this current char. :D Benirus Manor only. That char is now top level and have not done a single quest outside my own quest system, well except the Benirus Manor quest. That will change next year or so. :wink:


Here is the complete list and the books will show up in the second library, the Dungeon Books Library in this order:



  Reveal hidden contents



The order I add them is a circle, so I add a single

  • Cave
  • Ayleid Ruin
  • Fort
  • Mine
  • Sewer
  • SI dungeon

in that order so we get some variations between each quest and dungeon type. The purpose is not to build the Dungeon Library, as it is to build library 1, collecting the in game books, restoring the library. When Library 1 is filled up with 200 books, I add a third library. When all 270 dungeons are made, and you reached the last dungeon, it starts all over again. :D Some dungeons might not be available for a second visit, but I solve that when that day comes. Maybe add a key to the player or similar or open a portal when that quest gets available. We see. I do have 100 more pointless and boring dungeons to add first.


The books will show up when you visit the last cell in each dungeon. SO when you close the book, you get the possibility to port to the map marker of each dungeon. The Sewer dungeons port you to the closest entrance, either in the IC or at the tunnels. I have visited dungeons I did not even knew existed with my mod. Usually those dungeons are worthless and very boring, but adding 22 Burglars to each and everyone, 40 to the 3 cell dungeons, makes them much funnier and not pointless. It's all in the WIP. I think 67 dungeons are added in the last release. I might make some new dungeons after these 270 are added. We see... I think I can make 3-4 dungeons a day, if I focus at it but 2 is enough, so I also can work some at the Merchandise mod which I will do now for an hour or 2.


It is 6 scripts that needs to be edited, to add a single dungeon. A quest script keeps track of the progress, calling 5 functions and it keeps track of which book is added or not, and add one to the dungeon that you do not already have, so it can be random, which book that ends up where. When I added 140 books to the dungeons, ordinary books + COBL that is, I will continue editing the COBL book covers as not all are done yet.


This is Libray 2, the Dungeon Books Library. I do see The Spirit of Nirn as a message: That is also the name of the guild I lead in ESO. :D What a coincidence. I just noticedit. ;)




All paintings in this room as made from screenshots, taken when I test the dungeons. So if i take a nice shot during my journey, I add it as a painting in this room. I noticed yesterday I have space for 2 more paintings. :D


All books added in Library 2 is a form of Achievements list in it self. It will clearly show the current chars progress and all empty shelves will show you what you have left to do in game so will all empty rooms as well, that needs to be filled with your progress in game. This is how the legacy of the Dragonborn works and so will this mod work. So as soon you do anything, the house will follow your progress.


When the Libraries are made, there are more books to add. But I will also add a standard museum of artifacts, and standard stuff, for everything in game, from Common stuff like plates, cups, to the fanciest armor and weapons. There is no limit to what will be added in this house.


The Libraries also have Dwemer energy saving lightning.


Edited by Pellape
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I should also add that when you start this mod, the rooms connected to the library are empty. The first library has 3 books and the dungeon library have 1 book.


After a while it might look like this, if you do the quests: This is library 1, for the game books and COBL books and I use an old cover exchanger for the Oblivion books, so I make the covers for the COBL ones. The Book Burglars do carry some common books. Therefor there are gaps here and there, for rare books. It is up to you to find the books anywhere but each book will be added to a quest, so it is enough or funniest to do the quests really.




The COBL books starts at shelf 7, the one farthest to the right here. You can see some of those covers there:


I added some boones to that door above as if you opens it, this might happen, look at the painting next to the door above, and you see this, so keep that door closed: :wink:




The ogres also made the books to fall off the shelves or fly around the whole library, so I had to add triggerboxes, so the books gets up to the shelves again if this happens again and it might, if you open that door again.

Edited by Pellape
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