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New Auto Loot Mod


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Was wondering if anyone could make a new or updated auto loot mod?


There are basically 2 already but they suffer from the same bug.


Auto Loot Enhanced



Loot Everything



The bug is that the scripts they use can't detect stacks of items. For instance if you have an ammo box that is 9mm (50). Meaning a box of 50 rounds of 9mm... the auto loot scripts only detect it as 1 item and only gives you 1 round of 9mm when it loots it.


I believe the same thing happens when it picks up things like bottle caps also...


I noticed this bug when starting a new game with Milenia's weapon mods... and was wondering why the heck would they only give me 3 rounds of whatever ammo to test a gun when I used auto loot mods to pick up the starting items in Doc Mitchell's house. Then I realized when I turned off auto looting that the boxes of ammo had 50 or 100 rounds each in them, its just that auto loot counted each box of ammo as 1 round. So instead of getting 150-300 rounds of ammo I got 3 rounds due to auto loot script's bug.


You can also test this yourself... install one of the auto loot mods. Turn off auto looting via MCM / Hotkey then drop x amount of ammo greater than 1. Then turn on auto loot and you will see you will only get exactly 1 round back instead of x amount of ammo.

I like the Loot Everything mod's cheat concept of where you can chose for it to auto stash into magical container else where and being able to access it via hotkey... but at the same time that mod is very poorly designed in the sense that you can't limit what items you want it to loot, and has a bizarre infinite looting range by default...

While the Auto Loot Enhanced mod works just fine in most regards minus the stacks of items bug, though having to manually add items to the level lists outside the game is not fun.

Would really like to see a similar Auto Loot mod like this one from Towawot in Skyrim. Where you can set up looting range, set value to weight ratio, exclude locations from being looted, add and remove items to loot list in game, loot by category...


Auto Harvest


Edited by Havenost
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+1 for this!

I use the one that uses MCM, but it tends to autoloot and DISCOVER places long before I even reach them.

It also keeps looting some invisible soda bottle in Good Srpings over and over again, and CTDs if it autoloots invisible items

The way I use it is to use the LOOT NOW hotkey, because it gets itself into trouble if it's left to run on its own.

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