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Using Skyrim Script Extender with SkyUI but the menu's dont change


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im using SKSE64, and trying to use the mod SkyUI but nothing about the game is changed like at all SkyUI is enabled for me on Vortex and The Steam Mod Load Order and i have no idea what to do SkyUI is installed using Vortex, again no idea why the mod doesnt work. Please Help Me

I think there is a file that gets extracted to the wrong spot.... (the .swf file.) Think you need to move it to the menues folder, and you are good. Or some such. If that ain't it, go to the mods comments page, and post your issue there. (or, see if it isn't already covered somewhere.

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OK, first thing, I need to know which version of Skyrim you're playing, because you're in the Skyrim LE (32-bit) forum, and you're asking about skse64, which is for Skyrim SE (64-bit), so, which skyrim are you playing, the old Skyrim LE (32-bit), or SKyrim SE (64-bit)?


Skyrim LE needs skse
Skyrim SE needs skse64


.swf files need to go into the "Interface" folder, provided skse64 is installed correctly.

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