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A suggestion for after campaign or just in career: The *FULL* Map


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Simply put, after you have gone through Hell alongside/in support of Lady Arano or you've set off as a career mercenary, there comes a time when the Periphery is no longer your limit.


There's the Inner Sphere and all that jazz, and once you've earned yourspurs you should be able to see and traverse it.


I am well aware this means a significant amount of work for the poor modder that takes up the challenge; but it's fair. It's sensible. It's typical of us to carry HBS' work forward anyway.

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I have, actually, but that's built for Roguetech. I am hoping for the galaxy to make sense as the game review for Rock, Paper, Shotgun assures us Roguetech's galaxy does not. They love the mod for the sheer fun of the builds, builds that would have Yang headscratching with an amazed grin. Still...

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I have, actually, but that's built for Roguetech.


Well, yes and no. RogueTech has that map but that mod's the non-RogueTech version, it needs some changes from HBS before it can be updated for the latest version though.


It does replace Story, though. This is a mistake, in my opinion. It should kick in after Story and/or replace Career Mode.

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