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[Help] Item Added After Crafting Script


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I'm creating this post to find some insight on how to add items once a player crafts a specific object. There's multiple ways of doing this, but I think the easiest would be to make a script that checks to see if the player is at a crafting station and the item used for the recipe is removed from the player's inventory.


For example, I've created this script below. It doesn't work, but it's the basis of getting this to function. I've done some googling, but can't figure out how to get the script to check & see if the player is crafting. IsFurnitureInUse can be used to do this though. However, I don't know how to make it work. If someone could help me get this to function properly, I would be extremely grateful! You will be credited too :smile:

Scriptname PLSC_AddEmptyCoffeeTin extends ObjectReference

MiscObject Property EmptyCoffeeTin Auto Const

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
		Game.GetPlayer.AddItem(EmptyCoffeeTin, 1, true)

Thank You,


Edited by Plarux
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a) WHAT are you trying to attach that script TO (the coffee tin, the workbench, the player ... ) ?


b) HOW is the script going to receive the OnItemRemoved event without registering to receive it (You must use AddInventoryEventFilter to receive this event) ?

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...IsFurnitureInUse can be used...


Try CurrentFurnitureHasKeyword(WorkbenchChemlab) e.g., and do whatever with OnItemAdded event.


As above, curious, what's the goal. Assuming the script, want to make the component item not consumed by crafting? May add condition to the recipe GetItemCount(my component item)>0.


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To answer everyone's question, I want the script to add an item back to the player's inventory once they craft something. Since the Coffee Tin was used for one of my recipes, I wanted the player to receive the Empty Coffee Tin back. The OnItemRemoved is for the Coffee Tin used in the recipe, so when it's removed AND the player is in the crafting menu of the cooking station (or whatever station). This way the player will only get an empty coffee tin when they use the recipe requiring the coffee tin.




I can't find anything that does this. Nor any information on the web that has helped make it possible. The item being crafted is a Potion.




a) The Coffee Tin used for the recipe at a cooking station.


b) I read about that on the creation kit website, but not really sure what it is :sad:




Not sure how I would incorporate that into the script tbh.

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You could try and attach this type of script directly on your craftable Form in the CK:

MiscObject Property EmptyCoffeeTin Auto
Furniture Property MyCraftingStation Auto

Event OnInit()
	If MyCraftingStation.IsFurnitureInUse()
		PlayerRef.AddItem(EmptyCoffeeTin, 1)

I just tested it last night - OnInit() fires on newly crafted objects.


But since it will also fire whenever you drop the object or pick it up, you need to restrict this event to fire only when whatever Workbench you want is being used. That way you won't need a filter.

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The approach I would suggest is to attach a script to the player by creating a start game enabled quest, adding a Reference alias which is filled with Unique Actor Player, then attaching a new script to the reference alias.


The script would look something like (your gonna need to look this stuff up and create properties and such hygene);

Event OnAliasInit()
   RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("CookingMenu")  ;Cooking + Chemlab
   RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("ExamineMenu")  ;Armor + Weapons

Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) 
   If (abOpening == TRUE)
   ElseIf (abOpening == FALSE)

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
   ;do things based on the akBaseItem that has appeared in player inventory 


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  • 4 weeks later...


The approach I would suggest is to attach a script to the player by creating a start game enabled quest, adding a Reference alias which is filled with Unique Actor Player, then attaching a new script to the reference alias.


The script would look something like (your gonna need to look this stuff up and create properties and such hygene);

Event OnAliasInit()
   RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("CookingMenu")  ;Cooking + Chemlab
   RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("ExamineMenu")  ;Armor + Weapons

Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) 
   If (abOpening == TRUE)
   ElseIf (abOpening == FALSE)

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
   ;do things based on the akBaseItem that has appeared in player inventory 




Okay, so my properties would be an Object Reference with linked to the empty coffee tin, the Form List with the empty coffee tin in it, and one for the cooking menu (not sure how I'd add this property). Please let me know if this is correct?

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The properties you will want (I feel dirty typing this as its fish rather than fishing rod in the learning stuff context):

FormList   Property FormListOfStuffIamInterestedIn Auto Const Mandatory
MiscObject property myCoffeeTin  Auto Const Mandatory ;or whatever you have called your object

The properties are associated with forms in the [Property] button on the script UI.


Have a read of OnItemAdded - ObjectReference and see if you can figure out how to evaluate myCoffeeTin (or whatever you have called your object) against akBaseItem.

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The properties you will want (I feel dirty typing this as its fish rather than fishing rod in the learning stuff context):

FormList   Property FormListOfStuffIamInterestedIn Auto Const Mandatory
MiscObject property myCoffeeTin  Auto Const Mandatory ;or whatever you have called your object

The properties are associated with forms in the [Property] button on the script UI.


Have a read of OnItemAdded - ObjectReference and see if you can figure out how to evaluate myCoffeeTin (or whatever you have called your object) against akBaseItem.


SKK50, I appreciate the help a lot. I'm learning as I go, so my apologies for my lack of knowledge. :/


If I were doing this with multiple different recipes, how would I do it? Multiple different scripts and quests or just scripts on the same quest alias?


Here is the script that I tested. It adds an empty coffee tin when the player crafts a cup of dirty coffee.


Scriptname PLSC_ECT_Script extends ReferenceAlias

FormList Property PLSC_CoffeeDirtyCreatedFormList Auto Const Mandatory
Potion Property CupofCoffee_Dirty Auto Const Mandatory
MiscObject Property PLSC_CoffeeTin01 Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnAliasInit()
   RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("CookingMenu")  ;Cooking + Chemlab

Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) 
   If (abOpening == TRUE)
   ElseIf (abOpening == FALSE)

Event OnItemAdded(Form CupofCoffee_Dirty, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(PLSC_CoffeeTin01, 1, true)
Edited by Plarux
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