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Vortex moved some SKSE64 plugins to root folder


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I've set auto sorting in vortex to OFF and use Wrye Bash to lock it, yes. Is that a problem? If so, that would be really inconvinient.


A small update: I've reinstalled all mods that got installed or updated since my game was rock solid for the last time. And I went through my load order via xEdit and found 3 potential new records (in updated ESP files), that were overridden by other plugins. They were mostly not important, escept one Cell - EDID record, from which I know it can lead to CTD when called but is non-existent. I've playtested for a good hour, and so far there is no crash. Looks good so far.


But I'm curious about that load order thing. Btw: I don't merge plugins or things like that.

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I've set auto sorting in vortex to OFF and use Wrye Bash to lock it, yes. Is that a problem? If so, that would be really inconvinient.


A small update: I've reinstalled all mods that got installed or updated since my game was rock solid for the last time. And I went through my load order via xEdit and found 3 potential new records (in updated ESP files), that were overridden by other plugins. They were mostly not important, escept one Cell - EDID record, from which I know it can lead to CTD when called but is non-existent. I've playtested for a good hour, and so far there is no crash. Looks good so far.


But I'm curious about that load order thing. Btw: I don't merge plugins or things like that.



Locking the load order in WryeBash means you're going to end up chasing your tail and driving yourself crazy, because every single time you open WryeBash with a locked load order.

It's going to revert your load order to what WryeBash wants, which also means it will disable your plugins etc if you have them disabled in WryeBash.


You're going to cause yourself a LOT of headaches using WryeBash for the load order, because WryeBash doesn't know about any LOOT ordering, so it will allow you to break sorting rules that is going to completely mess up Vortex,


I don't know why you are so against Vortex managing the load order of your plugins.


You are trying to force Vortex to be NMM, by using TWO Mod Managers at the same time

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I only sort my plugins manually. There is not a single deactivated plugin, so the only interference is the sorting order. I really doubt that this would in any way affect the installed files from Vortex. Also as mentioned, I've disabled any sorting features in Vortex, because I don't want to use Loot. Setting all these priority rules in Loot is way to incovinient to me, and I like to control my load order manually, because my custom resolution patches rely on it, and I wasn't able to simply drag them how I want in Vortex, without having to set some special rules for it, so it stays like I want it. In all the years of modding I've learned that Loot isn't bad at all, but it's also not right in terms of sorting big load orders. I'm sure there's a way to use Vortex/Loot sorting properly without too much headache, but that's just how I got used to it. Well, I'm using Wrye Bash for leveled lists, the bashed patch of course. And no, I'm not using tow managers at the same time, because Wrye Bash doesn't touch my installations at all. It ONLY creates the bashed patch and I sort my plugins with it, that's it. There should be no reason for causing any problem with vortex this way - unless I'd use auto sorting in Vortex, what I do not. Also I don't use any Vortex/Loot sorting rules, because I DON'T use Loot sorting at all.

When I disabled sorting plugins in Vortex, I don't see any problem sorting it with Wrye Bash. Any changes to the order saved in plugins.txt must no affect installed files from the mods in any way. So that's not the reason for Vortex acting like this. I think I was using it wrongly in terms of doing things while it deployed automatically, so it somehow confused things.


A good example for that is, if you uninstall, let's say, 3 mods and then click to install a new mod, Vortex will suddenly report that "some mod's files have been changed outside of Vortex" and ask me if I'd like to keep those changes. But Vortex actually did these changes itself. But when I uninstall the 3 mods and actually wait until it finished that operation, it won't report anything upon installing a new mod. I'm now pretty sure that you should not perform many multiple operations in a short period of time, when auto deployment is enabled. In my case it's better to set this to manually, perform all actions I want and then click on deploy. I've done a lot more testing now, and it seems that this way everything is working fine.

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