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The Point of Debating


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After seeing a lot of debates here (some more debatable (pun intended) than others), I want to ask something among some of the more prolific members here: do you debate to gauge opinions, convince others of your cause/opinion, or some other reason? For me, I use it to grab more arguments to either support or discredit my current opinions.
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After seeing a lot of debates here (some more debatable (pun intended) than others), I want to ask something among some of the more prolific members here: do you debate to gauge opinions, convince others of your cause/opinion, or some other reason? For me, I use it to grab more arguments to either support or discredit my current opinions.


More as mental exercise than anything else. There are some folks on here that are VERY good at getting their point across, and supporting their arguments, that I do not always agree with. I actually kind of enjoy it. A bit of mental fencing is good for the soul.


I harbor no illusions that I am going to sway anyone to my way of thinking. :)

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It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle


I occasionally come on just to gain a new perspective. Alongside that, I don't really get the opportunity to debate political or philosophical issues with the people I normally speak to.

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Controlled conflict and confrontation.


I do not mean that in an aggressive or an abusive way. But it is cathartic (sometimes) just to be able to meet opposition, and be contrary.


In most of my life I'm the kind of person that will just go along with everything or agree with others (even when I don't really agree) just for the sake of a quiet life. So when I come here (or anywhere else) specifically to debate it's mostly because the side of me that needs to NOT go with the flow needs it's voice to be heard before I go insane.


I don't even mean that I need to speak my actual opinions (although I usually do), as sometimes I'll put forward points I don't even agree with just to play devil's advocate.


I think when I come to debate I'm "looking for a fight", but in the best possible non-aggressive sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - Aristotle


I occasionally come on just to gain a new perspective. Alongside that, I don't really get the opportunity to debate political or philosophical issues with the people I normally speak to.

Couldn't agree more. In my real life, the major debates revolve around the fact the coffee vending machine is broken, and who has the most stylish handbag. Important debates to be sure, but hardly challenging or stimulating. Some of the debates in this forum, are interesting, a little argumentive and full of options/opinions which I hadn't previously considered. i particularly like the debates, which the original poster, has a view diametrically opposed to my own, not that I try to change peoples' opinions, but that I try to offer an alternative opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not really into debating. I'm more into personal growth, which spans the abyss of any political, religious or philosophical divides. The major opponents of these are the one's so sure of themselves and their cause that they are unwilling or incapable of being as skeptical of themselves as they are of others. It's surprising to see so many people along those lines pride themselves on having an open mind.


These people, more often than not are ideological, This doesn't necessarily mean the educated, but does include the well indoctrinated of all the social groups. From these people come those who more or less would destroy any discussion rather than loose it.

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