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I have the GOTY version, do I need version updates

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Simply, being an old stick in the mud, I still have the GOTY physical discs version of Morrowind. I want to start modding it with improved graphics and apply the code patch.




I was wondering if I had to update the versions of each Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon before I do so. And if so, is there a specific order to doing so. I noticed on Bethesda's site, it seemed like you install Morrowind-update-then tribunal-update-then bloodmoon-update, but I'm just guessing based on their warnings.



tldr: HELP!

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I'd install and then update. I may be remembering incorrectly, but I believe that Bloodmoon patched to the latest version. Personally, I always patch/update, because it saves a lot of trouble. :smile:



EDIT: Oh, and I still have the physical media also. If you use your game code, you can add access to Morrowind through Steam. That's what I did. I think you can do the same with Oblivion, if you have it.

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From CD-ROM install Morrowind then Tribunal then Bloodmoon. Then apply patch to 1.6.1820


No need to patch Morrowind, install Tribunal, patch that etc.


Applying Bloodmoon patch may not be necessary with the GotY edition...

Edited by Dragon32
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Simply, being an old stick in the mud, I still have the GOTY physical discs version of Morrowind. I want to start modding it with improved graphics and apply the code patch.




I was wondering if I had to update the versions of each Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon before I do so. And if so, is there a specific order to doing so. I noticed on Bethesda's site, it seemed like you install Morrowind-update-then tribunal-update-then bloodmoon-update, but I'm just guessing based on their warnings.



tldr: HELP!


Sorry for my ignorance, but having only used steam so I could initialize Civilization V, I have no idea what the meaning of this "Oh, and I still have the physical media also. If you use your game code, you can add access to Morrowind through Steam." is actually saying. "access to morrowind"? "game code"? can you elaborate further please?

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From CD-ROM install Morrowind then Tribunal then Bloodmoon. Then apply patch to 1.6.1820


No need to patch Morrowind, install Tribunal, patch that etc.


Applying Bloodmoon patch may not be necessary with the GotY edition...


So, (I haven't installed bloodmoon and tribunal yet because I wanted to do a last vanilla run thru and not have the dark brotherhood attacks) does your post mean that if bloodmoon is on version 1.6.1820, that I don't need to patch anything? Or do I still need to patch morrowind and tribunal? Or am I thickheadedly misunderstanding?

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From CD-ROM install Morrowind then Tribunal then Bloodmoon. Then apply patch to 1.6.1820


No need to patch Morrowind, install Tribunal, patch that etc.


Applying Bloodmoon patch may not be necessary with the GotY edition...


So, (I haven't installed bloodmoon and tribunal yet because I wanted to do a last vanilla run thru and not have the dark brotherhood attacks) does your post mean that if bloodmoon is on version 1.6.1820, that I don't need to patch anything? Or do I still need to patch morrowind and tribunal? Or am I thickheadedly misunderstanding?



I have found out, no patches need with the GOTY version, so thanks.


Now, on a different matter, (hopefully I won't find someone HADTO jump on here and berate me for hijacking my own thread), but during a Google search, a page came up in which YOU replied to another issue I am confused about so I assume you have some knowledge in this area, and I was hoping you could answer:


What are BSAs? Are they just non .esp or .esm mods?

If so, I understand they have to be registered in Morrowind.ini, how do YOU do this? Do you use a utility? Is there a rhyme or reason to the order?


Sorry to be a pest, but I just want to play morrowind again all modded up. If you know of a link talking about these things even, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, even if you don't reply.

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BSA stands for Bethesda Software Archive. They contain meshes and textures and the like. So morrowind.bsa contains most of the assets used to make the Vvardenfell game world


I manually edit morrowind.ini to register BSAs, AFAIK the order in morrowind.ini doesn't matter.

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From CD-ROM install Morrowind then Tribunal then Bloodmoon. Then apply patch to 1.6.1820


No need to patch Morrowind, install Tribunal, patch that etc.


Applying Bloodmoon patch may not be necessary with the GotY edition...


So, (I haven't installed bloodmoon and tribunal yet because I wanted to do a last vanilla run thru and not have the dark brotherhood attacks) does your post mean that if bloodmoon is on version 1.6.1820, that I don't need to patch anything? Or do I still need to patch morrowind and tribunal? Or am I thickheadedly misunderstanding?



I have found out, no patches need with the GOTY version, so thanks.


Now, on a different matter, (hopefully I won't find someone HADTO jump on here and berate me for hijacking my own thread), but during a Google search, a page came up in which YOU replied to another issue I am confused about so I assume you have some knowledge in this area, and I was hoping you could answer:


What are BSAs? Are they just non .esp or .esm mods?

If so, I understand they have to be registered in Morrowind.ini, how do YOU do this? Do you use a utility? Is there a rhyme or reason to the order?


Sorry to be a pest, but I just want to play morrowind again all modded up. If you know of a link talking about these things even, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, even if you don't reply.



Thanks dragon, you certainly have been the most helpful, on what appears to be a mostly ghost town site. I understand WHY, but it's kinda sad to see since Morrowind was my second most played game (up til now, vanilla every time) after Civilization II. I wish I could have been active on here in the game's heyday.

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