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Dragon Mount


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I think it would be cool to have a dragon mount to ride on, and to Fly around on when your on it in Skyrim.


I do realize that their big but I would want the mount to be half the size they normally are.



PS:I Use a Xbox controller to play Skyrim so if you could make it compatible with a Xbox controller game-pad that would be even better.

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I have already thought of that idea and have been playing around in 3DS max.


i got my insipration from a novel call "Dragon Master" by Chris Bunch.


Here is an extract from the novel:


" It was below him then, and Hal looked at its wide shoulder blades, at the carapace behind the dragons long neck and horned head, thought insanely, that could be a seat, and

you could be flying yourself, if you could figure a way to make the dragon do your bidding."


There are heaps of things in this book that would fit nicely in skyrim. Chris has gone into great detail about all things dragon.

From the way the saddle is attached to the dragon to how the dragon is controlled.

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