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Windows keeps telling me Vortex is already running when it's not.


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I can't even get on vortex. This all actually happened when i switched from "per-user" to "shared" if that's anything to go by.


DERP, right, how can you change it if you can't start it?


Hmmm, so that's most likely the cause then, so now it's figuring out how to get to that setting without having to start Vortex.



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That defiantly sounds like something that is above my knowledge. If only there was a way to do it from the nexus mods account.



Nope, it's going to take Tannin42's advice, because he's the Developer of Vortex, and he'd know what to do

Strangely enough, my Vortex is set to "SHARED"

So maybe it's just Changing the setting that's the problem, because I've never changed mine

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