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Fallout 4 rumors


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Was checking out a few place on the web and it seems Bethesda is scouting out Boston Mass. for the next Fallout game. As someone claiming to be an employ of MIT has stated that Bethesda members were there getting information on the lay of the land recently. So we could be seeing a story revolving around the institute this time around.
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I thought I heard FO3 was the last in the main line of Fallout games... I guess not.


Bethesda has said numerous times they bought the rights to FO to do stuff with it. its not just a one and done thing. they will make more. the only reason FONV wasnt technically FO4 was because it wasnt Bethesda, but Obsidian. the next one developed by Bethesda will be FO4.

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"I thought I heard FO3 was the last in the main line of Fallout games... I guess not. "

nah all that money spent on the creation engine and not continue one of the largest revenue generating franchise's in pc gaming you can be sure it will materialise this is bethesda were talking about not interplay .

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Was checking out a few place on the web and it seems Bethesda is scouting out Boston Mass. for the next Fallout game. As someone claiming to be an employ of MIT has stated that Bethesda members were there getting information on the lay of the land recently. So we could be seeing a story revolving around the institute this time around.


I really loved the inner-city DC environment of FO3 so it would be great to this as the main setting for 4. It would be great to see some of the skyscrapers surviving, allowing for some rooftop fights while keeping them as part of the main "wasteland" exterior (instead of their own small cells).

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Was checking out a few place on the web and it seems Bethesda is scouting out Boston Mass. for the next Fallout game. As someone claiming to be an employ of MIT has stated that Bethesda members were there getting information on the lay of the land recently. So we could be seeing a story revolving around the institute this time around.


I really loved the inner-city DC environment of FO3 so it would be great to this as the main setting for 4. It would be great to see some of the skyscrapers surviving, allowing for some rooftop fights while keeping them as part of the main "wasteland" exterior (instead of their own small cells).


agreed. thats what i didnt like about FONV. its kinda boring roaming a desert i mean the place is baron before the apocalypse. looks the same after :P.

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