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Vortex is BAD, sorry Nexus.


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  On 5/20/2019 at 5:32 AM, KnightofWill said:

While Vortex is a good program (Could use some improvement.) Her complaints do not warrant such rude responses, and in truth could contribute to some valid faults, such as what she said with importing. You can say any bug report is hearsay, that doesn't make it any more or less hearsay, especially considering she had a similar issue.


Maybe next time actually try to be of some use and find out the issues she's having instead of heading straight to the defensive. It's called providing insight. It's not that hard to execute.



I would do that, if this was the first time somebody posted something like this, attacking Vortex and it contained FACTS, rather than accusations and hearsay.

We get a lot of these posts, and they like to list off a bunch of things that Vortex is missing, and it always turns out that the things they are listing off, have been in Vortex for quite a while and only manages to show that the person is complaining about "missing features'without actually having used the program, and is instead basing their opinion on a Reddit post they read, or another erroneous Vortex Hate post, or other misinformation they've found, or, (Most likely) installing Vortex, expecting to force Vortex to be NMM, not reading the manual or watching the tutorials, clicking a few things, not understanding how it works, and rage-quitting and then saying "I shouldn't HAVE to read a manual, Vortex sucks, Nexus is "Forcing Vortex on us™"


As far as Importing, It's been mentioned thousands of times to not import, and to keep your working set up whether it's NMM, MO, MO2, or Vortex, and that it's best to start with a clean install of a game.


I've seen people just making up statistics that "MOST PEOPLE Hate Vortex", or "EVERYBODY Hates the new change to Vortex", "Everybody uses MO2, because Vortex is terrible"

Etc, and then I do a bullet point list of everything they got wrong about Vortex, which takes quite some time, as it ends up that the things they complain about that Vortex is "missing" or "Can't do" is already there....IF THEY HAD EVEN SPENT A FEW MINUTES WITH IT.


So yea, it's pretty annoying.


As a matter of fact, the very first thing I did was correct the completely incorrect complaint that you could only manually download with Vortex installed.

Which showed me that the person hadn't even bothered to look at the SETTINGS tab.


Thanks though.

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Guest deleted34304850
  On 5/20/2019 at 5:32 AM, KnightofWill said:

While Vortex is a good program (Could use some improvement.) Her complaints do not warrant such rude responses, and in truth could contribute to some valid faults, such as what she said with importing. You can say any bug report is hearsay, that doesn't make it any more or less hearsay, especially considering she had a similar issue.


Maybe next time actually try to be of some use and find out the issues she's having instead of heading straight to the defensive. It's called providing insight. It's not that hard to execute.


Hadtoregister had partially the right idea with the points of education about Vortex, but very poor execution. Don't assume passive aggressiveness when you have no insight into the actuality of her situation.

who died and put you in charge?

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The real issue here is that Vortex is too complex for many of us, and NMM is basically broken now. All I want to do is download, automatically install, and manually rearrange the load order when i need to. I get the potential usefulness of load order rules but I'd really appreciate the ability to drag modes and change lad order when I want to do so. Can anyone quickly explain to me how i can EASILY manually manage the load order?

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  On 5/20/2019 at 5:51 PM, julesw said:

The real issue here is that Vortex is too complex for many of us, and NMM is basically broken now. All I want to do is download, automatically install, and manually rearrange the load order when i need to. I get the potential usefulness of load order rules but I'd really appreciate the ability to drag modes and change lad order when I want to do so. Can anyone quickly explain to me how i can EASILY manually manage the load order?



Yup, open up the Knowledge base in Vortex, click MANAGING your Load Order.

Read it.

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  On 5/20/2019 at 5:51 PM, julesw said:

The real issue here is that Vortex is too complex for many of us, and NMM is basically broken now. All I want to do is download, automatically install, and manually rearrange the load order when i need to. I get the potential usefulness of load order rules but I'd really appreciate the ability to drag modes and change lad order when I want to do so. Can anyone quickly explain to me how i can EASILY manually manage the load order?


You can do all that with Vortex, with the added bonus that 98% of the time, you won't need to rearrange the load order because Vortex automatically arranges the load order for you.



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  On 5/20/2019 at 5:51 PM, julesw said:

The real issue here is that Vortex is too complex for many of us, and NMM is basically broken now. All I want to do is download, automatically install, and manually rearrange the load order when i need to. I get the potential usefulness of load order rules but I'd really appreciate the ability to drag modes and change lad order when I want to do so. Can anyone quickly explain to me how i can EASILY manually manage the load order?

when you say "us" who are you speaking for? you and who else?

reason i'm asking is, if you care to bother to read the vortex support forum, that is full of posts from people who needed help, got that help and then realised that vortex is easy.

if i read your post above, i see someone who simply hasn't bothered with anything, so if you have nothing to say and don't have any interest in learning how to use the tool, then thanks for the detail free "feedback" , go use your current mod manager, problem solved. right?

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Vortex has a clunky and cumbersome UI. It is incessantly attempting to deploy, even though I had deployed all my mods already. It is seemingly incapable of managing load order properly. It disables and removes mods seemingly at random. It cites some mods as redundant when in fact they are not.

The whole thing is a catastrophe. Since trying to mod my game with Vortex, I have not been able to play a singe minute, because whatever it was Vortex did with the mods, it just causes my game to keep crashing, or it introduces unplayable bugs.

This application is simply awful. It is so bad. I am deleting it off my PC and I will never return. Bravo for getting rid of a fantastic mod manager and replacing it with rubbish.

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  On 5/22/2019 at 2:09 PM, Spencerbilodeau said:

Vortex has a clunky and cumbersome UI. It is incessantly attempting to deploy, even though I had deployed all my mods already. It is seemingly incapable of managing load order properly. It disables and removes mods seemingly at random. It cites some mods as redundant when in fact they are not.


The whole thing is a catastrophe. Since trying to mod my game with Vortex, I have not been able to play a singe minute, because whatever it was Vortex did with the mods, it just causes my game to keep crashing, or it introduces unplayable bugs.


This application is simply awful. It is so bad. I am deleting it off my PC and I will never return. Bravo for getting rid of a fantastic mod manager and replacing it with rubbish.



I wish the posts at least contained some facts.


First off, YOU were the guy that was having problem because "Vortex was disabling and removing mods, seemingly at random" in your Vortex Support thread, but what you failed to tell us was that you were running NMM AT THE SAME TIME as Vortex, and having NMM and Vortex fighting each other over the load order, enabling and disabling mods.


Everything bad YOU experienced with Vortex was of your own doing.

Nice bandwagoning though, and nothing like being completely dishonest about a problem YOU created and blaming Vortex for it.



You can still download and use NMM.

If you read the site news, you'd know this, NMM is on the SAME Download page as Vortex is.

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Guest deleted34304850
  On 5/22/2019 at 2:09 PM, Spencerbilodeau said:

Vortex has a clunky and cumbersome UI. It is incessantly attempting to deploy, even though I had deployed all my mods already. It is seemingly incapable of managing load order properly. It disables and removes mods seemingly at random. It cites some mods as redundant when in fact they are not.


The whole thing is a catastrophe. Since trying to mod my game with Vortex, I have not been able to play a singe minute, because whatever it was Vortex did with the mods, it just causes my game to keep crashing, or it introduces unplayable bugs.


This application is simply awful. It is so bad. I am deleting it off my PC and I will never return. Bravo for getting rid of a fantastic mod manager and replacing it with rubbish.

a bad workman always blames his tools.

your issues, are your own creation, but go right ahead and push your own shortcomings and lack of knowledge onto a program that my youngest can use almost blindfold.

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Why did you disable NMM and now are forcing us to use the crap that is Vortex? Yes I can download the mods then install them so I can still use NMM. What I want to know is why are you trying to FORCE us all to use something that is crap? I have used NMM since I started to add mods and the ease that is installs mods has always been simple. I tried Vortex and find it is total s#*! when compared to NMM. It does not install mods with one step It does not work on systems with multi HDD SDD. With NMM I can store my nods on a HDD and run the game and NMM from a SDD. I fail to see any benefit to Vortex. I Do not think I am the only person that thinks Vortex a BAD idea.

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