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Do not diss werevultures. EVER. AGAIN.
If you're making weresharks, there should be all other werecreatures. You can only be one, though! Or mod the mod as well [modception] and be all of them. Then take it a step further and make a fusion, one big bad werecreature out of all of them. :laugh:

Regardless, I don't really give any f*#@s of your opinion. I already know I'm not the only fan of this future mod.


Edited by EaglehawkAves
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Wereshark looks pretty sweet. I'd love to see them as a replacer for the slaughter fish at higher levels. Imagine, going for a little swim, hopping out of the water at the first sight of that little red dot on your HUD. Than that Mutha-eatin' Shark walks out of the water after you.


Make em' big, strong and fast.

Bonus points if you can connect it to the Jaws theme during the initial encounter.


daa dat. daa dat. daa daa daa dat dun duuuhhhnn!!

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Well, i guess if you guys really want that beast ported to the game the first step would be to ask the creator for the files and his permission to use them. At least a good way to raise the chances. It's pretty unlikely to find someone that does the work AND bothers to get the model/permission.

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Street Shark dovahkiin? I'd be down for that. Seems like something that would require a lot of work and know-how though. Like race creation and 3D modelling. I'd probably limit it to being an Argonian were-form as well. Seeing as they're reptilian and likely non-mammal. Mer, men and Khajiit, I get turning into wolves. But, lizard wolves? Wuh?! >.>



Talk about lore breaking. Have you ever played any other ES game? Have read the book, "On Lycanthropy"? The book is in Morrowind but I bet you never played that. These new players coming in are going to destroy established lore going back twenty five years from the first ES game. The different lycanthropes are strains of lycanthropy which can affect ANY race. There is no reason, science, or logic behind it. That is the problem with the new generations of gamers, they have their heads filled with too much left brained logic, and lack the capacity to use their imagination, if they have one. This is a fantasy game, and breaking the lore just so your head does not explode is not something that any modder is obligated to do. I apologize if this seems like an overkill rant but you are the 10000th person to suggest race specific lycanthropes, or race restricted lycanthropes, and it is so lore breaking that it makes Star Trek look like LotR. Please try to consider the possibility that in a fantasy world, species can change via magic, which needs no scientific explanation, or adherence.

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