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Favorite console commands?


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TFC, for screenshots; Prid and moveto.player, for retrieving lost followers; coc, if I add a follower mod and want to see if the game has actually added him before I trudge halfway across Skyrim; player.additem (rarely), as when I sell something by mistake, buy it back and give myself the price difference, and for steel bolts (if I can forge steel arrows, why not bolts? They're just short arrows with a different head.); setscale, to customize NPCs; setav (rarely), to customize PCs.

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My first time used console

Damn bug, maybe i can fix it with console command :)

Second time

Oh man im running low on arrow, maybe console can fix it too :/

Third time

Damn bounty quest, im kill a dragon that kills 5 to 20 citizen and it just worth 100g? :(

So i added a manual gold from console

Fourth time

Time to smith some SHlT, oh man now i dont have the materials. :D


After that console command screw up my game. :)

So, the point is, i love player.additem command...

Edited by AzureBlueray
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Every new game :

set timescale to 5

player.modav healrate -0.7


and thats it I don't use other things, never get stuck or wasn't able to defeat something.

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Experience has shown that:


player.modav variable num

player.additem baseid num

player.removeitem baseid num

showmap mapmarkerid bFT

player.addfac factionid 0/-1

setally 0db1 factionid 1 1

setenemy 0db1 factionid




setcellownership cellid

modpcms statname value


Are my most frequently used commands.

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I use the help command a lot, usually for testing mods.

TIM because TGM takes the fun out of difficult battles, where as TIM lets you play normally without dying.

I also use resurrect quite a bit.

FOV at 80 for playing, 20 for screenshots.

Player.additem obviously.

TCL if I get stuck or can't be bothered to go around a mountain.

I also use QQQ a lot because its so much quicker.

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my most used commands are markfordelete to get rid of the dead dragons that occasionally spawn when I load up a save and setstage if a quest is bugged for some reason (last night I had to use setstage in the destroy the dark brotherhood quest because I couldn't interact with Maro and even using recycleactor did nothing to fix the problem with him so I used setstage so the game thought I'd spoken to him and the quest continued properly after that and automatically completed when I got back to the Penitus outpost even though I still couldn't talk to him.


I also set the timescale to 6 so that 10 minutes of real time equals 1 hour of game time.

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