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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825



I'm happy to announce that Dragbody will be contributing as an artist/modeler for several lore-friendly, custom armor sets. If you're unfamiliar with his work, you should check out his mod, Caesar's New Regime. I'm excited to have him on board!

Edited by someguy2000
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Really excited for this :) One question, how far along into the quest will you be able to join the Legion? It always feels strange when you make major choices near the end. I hope it is early enough the the quest feels very distinctly different for both factions.It would be cool if you could start the quest with the legion, but that would just introduce more problems, and would take way more time. How will it be handled if you are Vilified by the NCR and Idolized by the Legion? Edited by darthbdaman
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Guest deleted2159825

Really excited for this :) One question, how far along into the quest will you be able to join the Legion? It always feels strange when you make major choices near the end. I hope it is early enough the the quest feels very distinctly different for both factions.It would be cool if you could start the quest with the legion, but that would just introduce more problems, and would take way more time. How will it be handled if you are Vilified by the NCR and Idolized by the Legion?


Thanks! To be honest, I haven't decided on the timing of "Declaring" for the Legion. It may end up being right before the battle, or ideally, it would provide the player with an alternate set of sabotage quests prior to the battle. Considering Tribune Marcellus' complicated relationship with Lanius, there could be some interesting choices available if Caesar is not in the picture. We'll see - right now I'm still hammering out the NCR-oriented quests, which are the meat of the mod, considering the amount of dialogue and the number of characters involved.


If you're vilified by the NCR, there will be a brief introductory sidequest to gain the minimum reputation in order to begin the main quest. The player's first contact is a rather secretive intelligence agent looking for mercenaries, so you don't have to be a loyal citizen of the Republic, per se - you just can't be an enemy of the state. That's the plan, anyway. There's a lot of work left, so things could change.


Thanks for the support!

Edited by someguy2000
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Seeing that there will be another mod coming from the creator of NVB I & II kind of made my day.

The two were must-have mods, and i will be very dissapointed if there isn't a NVBIII with an ending worthy of its predecessors.

As for Zulu, showing the NCR vs. Legion conflict on another front could be interesting, especially since siding with Legion in the Mojave is very unrewarding.

And a few questions, if allowed:

Is the mod team capable of making the mod support DLC's (think Joshua Graham references)?

Will it bring (a) new follower(s)?

Will the other Mojave factions appear in the mod (Followers, Khans...)?

Do pacifistic Couriers such as myself have anything to look for in this mod?

Is it too much to ask for a unique sniper rifle (just in case the answer for the previous question is no)?

Will it have slideshow-style endings with a deep-voiced narrator?

Can it have a memento to place in the Courier's home (like Honest Hearts' Scripture, Dead Money's gold bar, OWB's deactivated bomb collars and the like)?

And most importantly:

Will it be as awesome as i want it to be?

That is all.

Edited by Bmatija
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Guest deleted2159825



Thanks for the support! To answer your questions:


- Thus far, it doesn't directly reference the characters or decisions in DLC, but that could change.


- Right now there is a temporary follower written into the mod, though I haven't decided whether or not to make him a permanent addition to the wasteland


- Firebase Zulu is southeast of Bullhead City, so aside from the NCR and Legion, none of the familiar factions appear. However, they are referenced, as at least one character was formerly a member of the FOTA.


- That's a damn good question about pacifist roleplayers - it's somewhat rare, so I forget about it. With that said, there are distinctly diplomatic options that favor players with high charisma and speech. Furthermore, speech-oriented players will have opportunities to improve the combat capabilities of the garrison through sidequests and dialogue.


- I haven't decided on unique weapons yet - my goal is to include a few, high-quality, well-balanced additions. A new sniper rifle is one possibility, though nothing is certain yet.


- I plan on including a slideshow, as the mod has multiple, definitive endings for the plot and numerous characters.


- I hadn't even thought of a memento - kudos for the idea!


- No guarantees, as I'm an eternal pessimist. I am a touch rusty, though releasing that little Skyrim mod helped boost my modding mojo. Quetzlsacatanango and a few others have looked over the design doc, and the consensus seems to be positive. The real task will be bringing that doc to life, particularly the main battle. I've thrown myself into this with everything I've got, and I'm getting terrific assistance from the community, which amps up the motivation.


You'll get my best, that I can promise. Thanks for the comments and questions!

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With that said, there are distinctly diplomatic options that favor players with high charisma and speech.




Are you planning to use Charisma checks? They didn't appear and I'm curious and to which degree they will in your mod i.e. will my build 100 speech, 4 charisma be able to talk my way out of things.


Also, I adore the fact that you are implementing RPG mechanics such as skill checks, C&C and pacifist options :)


- I hadn't even thought of a memento - kudos for the idea!


A snowglobe, maybe?


EDIT: As for the weapons, the only thing I can suggest is to make them fill a niche that's not yet covered that differ and avoid duplicates.


J.E. Sawyer pretty much exhausted many possibilities, but Project Nevada Equipment still managed to bring something to the table, like 20 gauge Combat Shotgun.


I don't know; I'm sure you know better than I do.


Maybe some unconventional weapon from the Legion? :)

Edited by GeeZee
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Guest deleted2159825



Yes, there are 1-2 times when the dialogue checks will require high speech as well as charisma. This is simply because these choices spur dramatic shifts in the narrative and/or characterization, and I'm not sure a speech check of 100 will suffice. These are very, very exceptional, however - you'll understand when you see them. At a minimum, they're on par with talking down Lanius. All the other checks will be straight speech, skills, or perks (I'm making an effort to utilize vanilla perks like Black Widow this time).


The emphasis on roleplaying and characterization is due in part to player feedback from NVB I & II. This isn't a Western, so I'm making an effort to avoid shoehorning the player into certain archetypes. I'm sure it won't be perfect, and I doubt it will accommodate pacifists to the extent of vanilla content, but I will try to put more options out there for them.


I'm not sure about the memento - I may go for a decoration or trophy that hinges on the player's choices. I'll keep an open mind while I continue work on the other content.


You're dead on about Sawyer's weapons; I was considering emphasizing melee, though "Blood Nap" and "Oh, Baby!" have that covered. Sometimes there are hidden gems in the Nexus - I stumbled upon "Sweet Revenge" way back in a playthrough of FO3. I'll start digging when the time comes to implement weapons.


Thanks for your support and suggestions!

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Guest deleted2159825

If your looking for a weapon idea, why not a scoped shotgun?


Pretty lolzy, I know, but slug ammo makes this a viable weapon.


I'm not sure if that would fit, but it would be unique... I'll keep it in mind. Kudos for the suggestion!

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Ahh I remember the mod now. It was called 5th Cohort. Will your mod be like that?

Also an idea for a unique weapon could be something like an M72 LAW. The missile launchers in the game are too big and unwieldy.

The NCR sees this and develops a light, disposable missle launcher for use by individual squads. So those were my 2 cents lol.

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