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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

Who would win in a fight between Marcellus and Titus?

Hmm... Odinforce Marcellus vs. Dark Phoenix Titus, or just plain old Marcellus vs. Titus?




Probably Marcellus.

Edited by someguy2000
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back to suggestions, what about a mounted machine gun, would it be hard to implement?

and the missiles that the courier launched could affect the supplies from both sides? i know i might be a little late from suggestions, but i really think that a lmg would make a difference.

sorry for grammar issues.

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Guest deleted2159825

back to suggestions, what about a mounted machine gun, would it be hard to implement?

and the missiles that the courier launched could affect the supplies from both sides? i know i might be a little late from suggestions, but i really think that a lmg would make a difference.

sorry for grammar issues.

Probably not happening, but I appreciate the suggestion - thanks!

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Guest deleted2159825

Will our friend Russell be able to join us on this mod?

I hate to say it, but probably not. This mod is balanced as a solo experience.

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Will our friend Russell be able to join us on this mod?

I hate to say it, but probably not. This mod is balanced as a solo experience.


Oh well. By the way, I watched The Siege of Firebase Gloria right after I posted. That was a fine movie, thanks for the recommendation.

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This may be an odd question, but how many of the people at Fire Base Zulu will be named NPCs? It sounds like there are a lot of Named NPCs but i'm guessing some will have to be some Generic "NCR Trooper" or "NCR Ranger." I just feel like i would have more of an incentive to keep named NPCs alive rather than "NCR Trooper #42"

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Guest deleted2159825

This may be an odd question, but how many of the people at Fire Base Zulu will be named NPCs? It sounds like there are a lot of Named NPCs but i'm guessing some will have to be some Generic "NCR Trooper" or "NCR Ranger." I just feel like i would have more of an incentive to keep named NPCs alive rather than "NCR Trooper #42"

Most of the defenders are named NPC's. Very few are generic.

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Guest deleted2159825



I just want to post an update, seeing as to how this thread is now one year old (I know that's not long in modding terms, but still).


While I'm still occupied with (and very enthusiastic about) finishing Russell, this mod is always in the back of my mind. A number of scripting techniques that I picked up in the development of The Inheritance and patches for New Vegas Bounties will be put to good use once I resume work.


While I'm still investing my free time in wrapping up Russell (which is going quickly) and the update for New Vegas Bounties (still in development hell - it's a sore topic), I have managed to pen additional notes for some of the characters, and also began sketching rough outlines for the main battle. Much of the peripheral content was put in place during my initial sprint last summer, but I still haven't touched the climactic event (though I know how to approach it now). It reminds me of John Avildsen's account of Rocky - the script, cast, and setting were all solid, but the film's success still hinged on making the fight believable and entertaining. The battle is equivalent to that fight, and I don't want to muck it up. Once Russell is in a finalized state, I will probably keep a low profile while I immerse myself in this project again. I'll finish that goddamn NVB update sometime this decade.


Some observations and predictions, off the top of my head:

- I will be revising some of the sidequests

- I still have notes for a proposed Legion questline, courtesy of Doc Gurgle. Whether or not I implement it is TBA; even if it is put in place, I hope Legion-friendly players temper their expectations, and understand the disparity in the quantity of content available relative to NCR-friendly characters. Then again, it might not feel that distinct from vanilla gameplay.

- Here's what I have sketched out for the actual siege:

- The player can influence the stats of various defenders in sidequests prior to the attack

- Defenders killed in battle will get unique graves after each attack

- There will be bombardment (still haven't figured out how to script this properly, but I'm hell-bent on including it)

- The Legion will conduct randomized attacks; to a limited degree, the assaulting forces will be randomized

- The parameters for success and failure will change depending on the player's actions

- Some of the attacks will feature unique events/encounters (they might not appear in every playthrough), including some moral dilemmas

- I might allow the player to move defenders to pre-positioned spots on the perimeter, so as to convey some semblance of command. This would require some AI trickery, but it's possible.

- There will be a strongly radiant component to the siege in order to enhance unpredictability (not to mention the benefits for replayability). From the outset, I wanted to avoid a pre-arranged battle where you'll know the timing and outcome of each event after one or two playthroughs. I want the uncertainty to be palpable.

- There will be an introductory and ending slideshow; the latter will depict the arcs of respective npc's, exactly like DLC


I appreciate everyone's continued encouragement, even as I've been sidetracked for months on end. Every time I glance at this thread, it seems other users are also perusing posts. I know the demand is strong, and I'll do my best to make Firebase Zulu something special, if not unique. Thanks for your patience and support.

Edited by someguy2000
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