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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

Is quest Frag Out refrence how in Vietnam War unhappy grunts fragged their CO,or some dirty Legion f***

Vietnam-type fraggings. When the player first arrives, the relationship between officers and the enlisted personnel is... strained. It's actually a murder mystery, and it doesn't provide a black/white solution.

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Guest deleted2159825

Will quest "All along the watchtower" have NPCs "Joker" and "Thief" ? I think if it does,it'll be cooler, than Shulgin in The Hoffman mine.

Nope, I'm afraid not. :(

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Guest deleted2159825

Quick Update:


Work on the sidequests is moving along swiftly, and "All Along the Watchtower" is finished.


One of the new features I'd like to share are randomized results for certain quests. For example, advising an NCO to conduct collective punishment can render the following consequences:

1. (50%) Troops learn lesson, all personnel get +1 perception. However, one of the troops cracks and commits suicide, leading to a morale hit for all junior enlisted personnel.

2. (25%) Troops resent the punishment, leading to a substantial drop in morale for junior enlisted.

3. (25%) Enlisted personnel begin policing themselves in order to ensure the punishment is not repeated. +2 perception for all junior enlisted personnel.


I'm not entirely sure how players will feel about this, but I thought it could add some unpredictability to quests that become stale after the first playthrough. While save-scumming could render optimal results, I think many players would roleplay with it. Even the most sound decisions can provoke unintended, if not altogether arbitrary results.


Other matters that I ought to touch on are "Morale" and "Discipline". These are broad variables that will be used to determine bonuses (or conversely, deterioration) of the garrison's skills and traits. Rarely will the player be able to positively impact these variables in the same quest, but will have to weigh consequences before moving forward. As it stands, each of these will impact the following (when the battle starts):

- Morale: confidence, endurance, hp, damage threshold (perk)

- Discipline: agility, luck, guns, damage dealt (perk)


This is by no means the only way to impact the troops' stats. Other quests, particularly "Stiffen the Sinews", involve the Courier overseeing training for the garrison as a whole, and even individual troops (however, you cannot increase all skills - you'll have to decide what to prioritize).


That's where it stands now, and I'm feeling much better about the pre-battle content as I go into the weekend. Right now, I'm setting up another sidequest, "Conduct Unbecoming", which involves clandestine "fraternization" between an officer and an enlisted soldier, leading to some interesting choices for the player (you can already see the morale vs. discipline dynamic at work.


Also, BooperReel will be helping out with "Missing in Action", which involves the Courier searching for a missing engineering team.


Finally, I appreciate all the support and feedback. There are about five sidequests remaining, and once they're done, I'll get to work on the battle itself. Thanks!

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Oh god, the sheer awesome, it's killing me! :laugh:


The randomized results I think are an excellent idea, so long as they aren't overused. It would be pretty damn crappy if you did everything in your power to help everyone, and then the random generator decides nope, everyone's even worse off. Thanks Courier!


However, used in key places and thematically appropriate, I think they'd be a wonderful addition to gameplay and replayability. Particularly if certain background dialog/barks convey the results. ("Goddamn brass, not worth two tugs of a dead dog's cock.")


And as for save-scumming, I admit to abusing it in Fallout 3 due to its craptacular speech checks, but the example provided seems quite appropriate, something I'd definitely play along with. The only suggestion I would make is maybe have some choices in various side-quests/unmarked quests/dialog to slightly influence the randomized options.


I'm also really loving the whole preparing the garrison angle. Being able to, in a way, customize the troops stats is quite cool, and should lead to some interesting interactions. Plus I can see players being particularly proud of the troops in the event of a victory with a prelude like this.

Edited by Stormbringer13
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Working on Missing In Action has probably been one of the most fun things I've done in the GECK so far.


Let's just say Someguy has gave me some freedom on the project so long as I keep things lore friendly.


Unfortunately, I won't be able to resume until Sunday due to time away from home, but I'll get right back to it once I return.

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