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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

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the mods called the 5th cohort



Didn't someone compare Zulu to 5th Cohort way back in the beginning of the thread? Guess he just read that part.


Oh, ok.

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I was wondering if you had given any thought to a independent/ anarchist root were you sabotage and play both sides up the middle ending it with a rad bomb or something? Just wondering, this still looks better than the battle of Hoover dam! :-)

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Q: What's with the title?

A: It's a play on a little-known Vietnam film, The Siege of Firebase Gloria...

I haven't seen that movie in years but I remember it was pretty good.


Really looking forward to this. Keep up the good work.


It's good to know others appreciate a solid R. Lee Ermey film!. Sorry, the NCR won't have close air support.


Why not?NCR has several Vertibirds taked from NCR-Enclave war

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Guest deleted2159825

Can't wait to play thi. Just wondering do you have any other projects you are working on?

Just finishing up my updates to NVB, and steadily implementing the remaining voicework for Russell. This is my primary focus at present, though.



I was wondering if you had given any thought to a independent/ anarchist root were you sabotage and play both sides up the middle ending it with a rad bomb or something? Just wondering, this still looks better than the battle of Hoover dam! :-)

I've considered it, but it would probably impinge on other content, and scripting it would be... laborious. There are some relatively "neutral" endings in place, though. More on that later. :)



Why not?NCR has several Vertibirds taked from NCR-Enclave war


1. FBZ is very remote.

2. There are scant examples of functioning Vertibirds, aside from Kimball's. If there were a stronger precedent in the lore (e.g., if the NCR deployed gunships at Hoover Dam), I'd be more willing to include them.

3. It could unbalance the battle. I haven't planned on CAS for the NCR. Artillery and/or possible reinforcements are as good as it gets.


Those are my primary reasons, though I'll keep an open mind. It just feels like a stretch for me at this point.

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Well I am glad that there maybe neutral options, my merc character does not care one way or another who wins, he worships the almighty cap.

You should be able to roleplay that part with ease. This mission is by no means limited to faithful citizens of the NCR. It is a contract gig, first and foremost.



about the vetbirds,can they even be used for CAS?the NCR does have some of them,but i think they are only for troop transport...

That's kind of my feeling as well - just one more reason why I hesitate to include them.



33 quests is extremely long and sounds awesome. How long do you think the main quest will be on a normal playthrough. How long will it be to do all of the content at a normal pace?

It's tough to say right now.


Currently, the primary quests (pre-battle) take about 2-3 hours. I may throw in an additional quest, but it depends on time and motivation. The battle itself could take 4-8 hours, depending on how the design pans out, not to mention the inherently randomized nature of it.


The sidequests are averaging about 2 hours, but they're incomplete. Throw in the unmarked, dialogue-centric content (which will be in abundance), and it could be 4+ hours.


The post-battle content will probably take about an hour, so all in all... you're looking at roughly twelve hours of content, though it will vary with playing styles. Much like Old World Blues or Honest Hearts, players can elect to focus on the main quest and blaze through the mod in less than... five hours, though it's hard to say exactly how long the battle will take. It really will vary in every playthrough. No two sieges will be alike.


Thanks for the comments and feedback!


I actually wrapped up two new sidequests today, "Conduct Unbecoming" (which deals with fraternization and "sexual misconduct") and "Stiffen the Sinews", an unmarked quest in which the player takes a direct part in training the personnel.


"Stiffen the Sinews" actually has some interesting options, though it depends on the player's skill set. For instance, for physical training you can do the following:

1. Focus on resistance training (personnel get +2 strength) [requires strength of 8 or higher]

2. Focus on cardio (+2 endurance) [requires endurance of 8 or higher]

3. Focus on agility (+2 agility) [requires agility of 8 or higher]

4. Circuit training (+1 to strength, endurance, and agility) [requires strength, endurance, and agility of 6 or higher]


For combat training, it's like this:

1. Marksmanship (+20 guns for all personnel) [requires guns of 80 or higher]

2. Explosives (+20 explosives) [requires explosives of 80 or higher]

3. Melee (+20 Melee) [requires melee of 80 or higher]

4. Unarmed (+20 Unarmed) [requires unarmed of 80 or higher]

5. Mixed (+5 to all the above) [requires guns, explosives, melee, and unarmed of 60 or higher]


I'll have to see how it plays out during the battle, though it's important to note that other sidequests will have ramifications on both collective and individual stats of the defenders (discipline and morale, chiefly). I want to provide the player an opportunity to invest in preparations (building bunkers, repairing defenses, training troopers, etc.) without unbalancing the whole affair. However, considering the inherent disadvantage of the NCR in this engagement, undertaking the sidequests will work to level the playing field. At the very least, it will serve to increase the survivability of defenders that the player may have a vested interest in preserving, assuming he/she gets attached to certain characters.


Thanks for all the support - more info as work continues!

Edited by someguy2000
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I made a rough "Developer's Diary"-esque video last night, and just thought I'd share it. It's nothing fancy, but it provides some perspective on the base layout and structure.


If ya'll like it, I can probably create more videos to demonstrate certain features as I continue with production. If you have any questions, concerns, etc., feel free to share them here or in the video comments. Thanks!

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