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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

The second video was very helpful and interesting, but I now have a couple of questions:


1. As you mention, some of the buildings can be destroyed by mortar fire - can they be reinforced to withstand heavy shelling, or are the structural enhancements (mentioned in the first video which involve using some of Speedy's resources) limited to defensive walls/bunkers? If not part of the setup already, I wanted to suggest that all the underground areas (clinic, command post, etc.) be connected by short tunnels so that the troopers wouldn't have to face mortar fire every time they needed to get to some other building.

The trenches more or less serve the function of those tunnels. Could there be more facilities underground? Perhaps...


As for reinforcing the buildings - maybe.



2. I've never been near real cannon fire, but I imagine that it's pretty frickin loud - perhaps the 60mm mortars should be louder? (although it might just have been the video).

The audio is definitely a WIP.



3. You mentioned several times that the journey to Firebase Zulu would be treacherous - can you give any more information about that? Also, is there a particular reason you decided on making Zulu a one-way trip? Don't get me wrong, areas like the Sierra Madre had little to do once the Dead Money DLC was over, but it would still be nice to be able to come back and look around once in a while.

Some of that is still up in the air, as I'm waiting to see how players react to it. Major spoilers:

Once you're recruited, you join a supply caravan to FBZ. While traversing a narrow canyon, you are struck with a gas attack, rendering the player unconscious. It turns out the guide has sold you out to a cannibalistic raider tribe (The Ghosts) as part of his "tax" for passing through their territory. The player wakes up in a cell, where he/she must escape and then fight through the Ghosts' hideout. After exiting the caves, you make your way into a winding canyon filled with ants, deathclaws, and even ghouls. Then the player must negotiate a ghoul-infested tunnel before entering Rorke's Pass. That's the trip.



Firebase Zulu is a tour of duty in a distant, hostile location, but more significantly, the outcomes for both the defenders and the firebase are quite varied in some of the endings. Most of my mods have nebulous conclusions, with scripted events popping up later on due to the player's actions. However, I wanted a concrete narrative arc for FBZ, with a rather clear-cut ending layed out in a slideshow (no delays in the narration this time). That's not to say there won't be scripted events afterwards - quite the contrary. I thought the experience at FBZ might be cheapened by transforming it into an endless "Wasteland Defense" platform.


Without the unique NPC's present (many of them would be gone after the battle), and with no plot aside from "Tonight we dine in hell", I believe it would be deprived of context and any significance. This is a battle with dramatic consequences; defeat is a distinct possibility - a probability, really. I don't want to see it morphed into a mindless, popamole shooting gallery devoid of c&c. The player needs to feel it when a named NPC gets carved into chunks by artillery fire or roasted by a centurion's incinerator. A mistake, miscalculation, or just bad luck brings death to characters that he/she cares about - that's war.


If the battle is not in question, but players merely want to return for sightseeing and/or visiting NPC's, I'll say this - in almost every ending, all the characters part ways with FBZ, as most are on 1-1.5 year tours, so they just won't be there. In several conclusions,

the base is either captured outright or abandoned due to its remote location and casualties sustained in defending it.




4. I realize that it might be a bit spoiler-y, but could you share what characters are already set and some information about them (i.e. Marcellus).

Eventually I'd like to focus on characters and factions within the garrison during one of the videos. Once more of the dialogue is in place, that would be feasible. I'll throw you a bone, though; here are some of the prime movers:

1. Tribune Marcellus:

The calculating, cerebral commander in the southern theater, Marcellus stands in sharp contrast to Lanius on many levels. Born into the Legion, he benefited from a classical education (courtesy of a slave) and the instruction of his father, a veteran centurion. Possessing all the physical and mental attributes to succeed (and perhaps even become Caesar's successor), he ultimately failed when his forces were violently repulsed from Firebase Zulu in 2279. Scourged and blinded in one eye, he was permitted to live under the condition he eventually capture Firebase Zulu, the final stepping stone to Bullhead City (and numerous silver mines). Shaken by his experiences and armed with rare knowledge, Marcellus privately harbors plans for the Legion in the event of Caesar's death: he aims to turn the Legion into an oligarchic Republic in the image of early Rome. In his mind, he is Lucius Junius Brutus, and Lanius is Tarquin. His primary influences are Marcus Aurelius, Stilicho, and Marcus Furius Camillus.



2. Colonel Thomas:

A deeply religious, yet pragmatic commander, Colonel Thomas struggles to deal with the internal divisions and strife within Firebase Zulu, all while preparing for a possible Legion attack. Though seemingly callous at times, Thomas is committed to protecting the garrison, even if it requires sacrificing innocents. Despite a distinguished combat record, it is rumored that he was assigned to Firebase Zulu as a punitive measure, though the actual reasons are unknown. He is extremely prejudiced against ghouls. His primary influence is Stonewall Jackson.



3. Lt. Stendhal:

A former enlisted sniper with 1st Recon (who graduated from OCS), Stendhal likely has more combat experience than any other leader at FBZ. Though respected for his marksmanship and record, his aloof, quiet manner is off-putting to many of the other personnel, particularly officers. Rumor has it he was relegated to FBZ due to psychological issues, as the command refuses to acknowledge his PTSD. Unlike Boone, Stendhal actually takes pride in his role at the massacre at Bitter Springs, as he'd witnessed atrocities committed by the Khans. He is more troubled by the loss of his own men than the deaths of tribals.



4. Ranger Josey:

A hard-drinking, licentious ranger, Josey constantly undermines Colonel Thomas' attempts to institute restrictions on pornography, drunkenness, and general mayhem. Though troublesome in peace, his composure and combat prowess are invaluable when the shooting starts. A cousin of Joaquin (NVBII), he views bounty hunting as a frivolous endeavor, describing it as "Putting your boot up the ass of hobos and retards". He is highly opinionated and prone to offend strangers. He is fast friends with Ranger Watson, having served together in multiple campaigns.



5. Ranger Watson:

A taciturn ghoul ranger, Watson rarely speaks, only delivering laconic responses when absolutely necessary. Though many of the troops (officers and enlisted included) are intimidated by Watson, he is often outside the perimeter, running patrols and/or ambushes with Josey. Owing to Watson's reticence, there is rampant speculation on his background. Primary influence: Captain Woodrow F. Call (Lonesome Dove).



Thanks for all the comments and feedback!

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Post-Zulu Conflict


I actually wasn't referring to an endless Final Stand conflict (not a big fan of em) - I was talking more about closure for the Courier (and the player). This is just my opinion, but I think that after the Courier goes through this harrowing battle, it would make sense to come back and visit the ghosts of the past. I've read that years after WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc. soldiers returned to the place where they fought to try and deal with their memories - seems worthwhile to add that in. I don't know if you ever played Mass Effect 2, but there is a DLC where the player can visit the remains of the Normandy and Shepard gets flashes of dead friends and colleagues while searching for dog tags and where to set up a memorial - it was very well done and I think it would be a good idea to adapt.


No matter how the battle goes, the post-end game could simply have the place mostly abandoned - the war lines having shifted away to easier locations, with only a token NCR force of fresh faces left. A memorial in the center would be all that remains to show that the place was once a bloody battlefield where the Courier's friends and brothers-in-arms perished. Returning would be limited to just the Zulu plateau, to make things easier. There could maybe be one unique NPC added to give some background information, but that's it.

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Is this mod going to be balanced gameplay-wise? I remember NVB (1 or 2, can't remember) had a problem where if you didn't use shotguns or melee weapons, you would have a difficult time surviving the battles that mostly took place in small, cramped corridors with several well-armed thugs trying to punch you in the face.

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Is this mod going to be balanced gameplay-wise? I remember NVB (1 or 2, can't remember) had a problem where if you didn't use shotguns or melee weapons, you would have a difficult time surviving the battles that mostly took place in small, cramped corridors with several well-armed thugs trying to punch you in the face.

Perhaps that was only for you, I remember I went to town with an antimatter rifle and it was all good.

Edited by terzho
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Post-Zulu Conflict


I actually wasn't referring to an endless Final Stand conflict (not a big fan of em) - I was talking more about closure for the Courier (and the player). This is just my opinion, but I think that after the Courier goes through this harrowing battle, it would make sense to come back and visit the ghosts of the past.

I agree, I know I (my character) would end up visiting the ruins of ZULU, just for the memories, good or bad. It could be quite dramatic.

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Guest deleted2159825

Post-Zulu Conflict


I actually wasn't referring to an endless Final Stand conflict (not a big fan of em) - I was talking more about closure for the Courier (and the player). This is just my opinion, but I think that after the Courier goes through this harrowing battle, it would make sense to come back and visit the ghosts of the past. I've read that years after WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc. soldiers returned to the place where they fought to try and deal with their memories - seems worthwhile to add that in. I don't know if you ever played Mass Effect 2, but there is a DLC where the player can visit the remains of the Normandy and Shepard gets flashes of dead friends and colleagues while searching for dog tags and where to set up a memorial - it was very well done and I think it would be a good idea to adapt.


No matter how the battle goes, the post-end game could simply have the place mostly abandoned - the war lines having shifted away to easier locations, with only a token NCR force of fresh faces left. A memorial in the center would be all that remains to show that the place was once a bloody battlefield where the Courier's friends and brothers-in-arms perished. Returning would be limited to just the Zulu plateau, to make things easier. There could maybe be one unique NPC added to give some background information, but that's it.

Gotcha. I'll consider it, but it will depend on how some of the endings shape up. TBA.



Is this mod going to be balanced gameplay-wise? I remember NVB (1 or 2, can't remember) had a problem where if you didn't use shotguns or melee weapons, you would have a difficult time surviving the battles that mostly took place in small, cramped corridors with several well-armed thugs trying to punch you in the face.

Apples and oranges. NVB is designed as an ultra-violent Spaghetti Western, whereas Zulu is an ultra-violent war flick. FBZ will not have the 20-on-1 ambushes that you see in NVBII. You might end up fighting off hundreds of Legionaries (in manageable waves), but you'll have other troopers backing you up. I made NVBII over two years ago, and I'd dare say my sense of balance has substantially improved. The challenge will be staging battles that don't make every other player's pc s#*! itself.



I don't know if many people remember "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", but "Il Forte (The Strong)" is the song I keep imagining would play if the player ever got to return to Zulu.

Believe me, I've been incredibly tempted to use some Ennio Morricone tracks, particularly in NVBII ("As a Judgment"), and I'd KILL to use Bacalov's "La Corsa" in a "climactic moment" in NVBIII. However, I just don't think that claiming fair use is enough to circumvent copyright laws in this case. The music industry is not known for magnanimity.


/end responses


Despite being busy in real life, I've continued making progress on the battle scripting, particularly the artillery.

- The 60mm and 120mm mortar fire is finalized.

- I added several attack types

- The chance to breach the perimeter is randomized, with probability ranging with the skill of attackers (recruits have a low chance, veterans are much more likely)

- Most attacks will hit two points at once, sometimes three. There will be diversions to draw the player away from the primary attack.

- Right now the Legion attacks consist of standardized groups:

- Recruits

- Primes

- Veterans

- Decani

- Centurions

- Suicide slaves

- Some possibilities (just in notes)

- Sappers

- First Spear Centurion (mini-boss)

- Principales (something between a Decanus and Centurion)

- Sagitarrius (Designated marksman - note: Explorers already fill a scout/sniper role in the mod, so this is doubtful)

- Beastmaster (I haven't looked up the Latin term yet - magister animalum?)

- Perhaps others, provided they're not outlandish or lore-breaking


Keep up the suggestions and feedback. Thanks!

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The challenge will be staging battles that don't make every other player's pc s*** itself.


Like in Russel? had a lot of trouble with that but it was definitely a lot of fun, well that was until my pc s*** itself but it was still worth it


Anyways looking forward to Zulu if I think of any decent suggestions I will let you know

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