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Awwwwww. How adorable. :)


This is the best hands down gaming community in existance. Even our trolls are nicer. :D



EdIt : @ Sergeant Rock

You know why you come back, right? Well, let me tell you then. You, my good sir, are an addict. You need your fix even if you don't play the game. You also miss us. ;)

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Wait...the Sgt is checking us out....?;)

Finding the nexus improved my gaming experience exponentially! I have been so grateful for the help people have given me modding, even when my questions were stupid (as I later discovered), and have learned a lot thanks to people's generosity and patience!

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Hey!!!!! I used to run to the corner candy-shoppe down at the bottom of 'Our Mountain' (My gramps had a challete or house with steep roofs to handle snowfall. I really can't spell and will never get better at it no matter how much I study.) to get Sgt. Rock & Easy Company comic book every-time a new issue came out. We are talking 35 plus years ago lol. But,...erherm......., I will not ask your age Sgt.Rock. Well, it's good to know my memory of the little town of Hague, in upper NY state, is still clear! Maybe I am not as senile as I thought I was. For those wondering it's on the shores of Lake George.



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Playing a single player game and not being alone, that's what it feels like.

This is the first community I'm in and it's great.

I've learned a lot even if I don't post much.


By the way, the comic Sgt Rock has been translated in French. A while back, that is...

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