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Who plays Skyrim more... Boys or Girls


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Been gaming since games were on tapes, we had joysticks with one fire button and the closest you got to saving your game was pausing and hoping your parents didn't flick the off switch while you were out.


In hardware, I've been through, from the earliest I specifically remember:


- Atari 800XL

- Atari ST

- Commodore Amiga

- Super NES

- Sega Megadrive

- Nintendo 64

- Playstation 1,2 and 3

- Xbox 360

- Various PC's starting from a single core 133Mhz up to the current quad core 3.1 Ghz


I remember games that literally had NO graphics at all. Just text. Some of my fondest gaming memories are text adventures. :biggrin:


The most important game in all those years (if not the best) in terms of how it's shaped where games are today, is probably GTA3.


Anything else.... I'm glad to see so many ladies here, probably part of he reason I hang around here, it is less sweaty man-geek feeling than most game forums.

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Anything else.... I'm glad to see so many ladies here, probably part of he reason I hang around here, it is less sweaty man-geek feeling than most game forums.


That's because we can make our games pretty here.... :tongue:


And ponies. Always with the ponies. :facepalm:

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Anything else.... I'm glad to see so many ladies here, probably part of he reason I hang around here, it is less sweaty man-geek feeling than most game forums.


That's because we can make our games pretty here.... :tongue:


And ponies. Always with the ponies. :facepalm:


The pink ones that vomit rainbows..... :wub: ..... :biggrin:

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Anything else.... I'm glad to see so many ladies here, probably part of he reason I hang around here, it is less sweaty man-geek feeling than most game forums.


That's because we can make our games pretty here.... :tongue:


And ponies. Always with the ponies. :facepalm:


The pink ones that vomit rainbows..... :wub: ..... :biggrin:

And there you have it. :P

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Chalk another female up on the "women who play skyrim" list. I started my gaming with stuff like Mario and not RPGs... I can't even remember what my first RPG was at this point. As I was more a PC gamer, it's likely it was one there... I could be wrong though. I do know for certain that Oblivion was the first elder scrolls game I played. I did try morrowind later, but even with mods, I admit I couldn't play it for long. Came to a dwemer ruin and had to give up. Not because it was hard or the combat system left something to be desired(seriously how do you miss when I'm practically shoving my weapon through the enemy's throat?), but because I couldn't see a damn, even when I used the command console to give me torches and the likes. Then I got distracted by other things and never went back. Should remedy that someday...
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(seriously how do you miss when I'm practically shoving my weapon through the enemy's throat?)

It's because Morrowind's combat system was more D&D based so when you attack something you make a dice roll to determine whether you actually hit it or not. Couple that with the hitboxes being awkward and, unless you have reasonably high agility, you're going to miss more often than you hit regardless of how accurate you really are.


Back on topic, I'm a male although I have friends of both sexes that play Skyrim and Elder Scrolls games in general. Come to think of it, most of my female friends that are gamers tend to prefer RPGs. I'm guessing this is related to most fiction targeted at females (soap operas, romantic comedies, etc.) being more character-driven in general. Not that we guys don't like unique plots and characters, but I have noticed the communities for most "plotless" games (FPSes, RTSes, fighting games, racing games, etc.) have a much more predominate male demographic than RPGs.


As far as my gaming history goes, I've been playing games about as long as I can remember. Super Mario World was my first game and I was so young when I played it I couldn't read any of the in-game text. I also got into Pokemon like most kids during the time and was so obsessed I knew the first 151 in numerical order. Sometime around 1998 or '99, we got our first computer and very shortly after that I've been primarily a PC gamer ever since. I got the Morrowind GOTY edition in 2003 or 2004 but ragequit it for a while after I got relatively far then we either reformat or PC or got a new one or something so I lost my saves and didn't touch it again till after I finished Oblivion.

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Female gamer.


I remeber the proud day we got a ZX Spectrum, and my brother and I played that thing to pieces, he always taking it apart and me putting it back together, still it always remained more his thing.

After that I only really used computers at work (shared terminals!) it was my younger brother who let my play Half-Life on his pc and used me as cannon fodder for Quake LAN games, my bug really only bit after I played Morrowind on his pc and was compelled to build my own (really, how hard could it be and he was pissed that I figured out how to reset his password from the bios) to be able to play it all the time. I missed the entire main plot of Morrowind for about eight months, doing absolutely everthing else.


Since then I've played just about anything (Fallout, Neverwinter, Dune, Vamp Bloodlines, Longest Journey, Dungeon Quest, that dude that got ... whatever, lots more Half-Life, Thief, The Witcher, Spellsomething, Black and White, Dark Messaih, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Knights of the Old Republic, Far Cry, lots of nameless shooters, Diablo, GTA, Assasins Creed, Plants vs Zombies even Sims) I could buy or borrow, and it was only Left 4 Dead that got me really playing FPS again (refer comment about cannon fodder)


Never liked online gaming much, you do get flack or hit on as a girl, but tried most that offered a free play period, so I guess more RPG than FSP, but then I still played Dungeons and Dragons as a board game. And dressed up for it. :facepalm:


PS. I do prefer playing as female when theres the choice. Nord Female

Edited by Mercbird
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my story well it's long. I started playing video games when I got my first console a ps2 I was 7 years old now I am 16. in the old days I preferred FPS games then on a day one of my friends sent a link to a trailer. well that was fallout 3 the first RPG I ever played. now I prefer RPGs and started watching Alchestbreach...oh and I am a guy a goddamn guy but I forgot it...again... ;D
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I'm male, and awesome swedish nord :pirate:


I started playing videogames whenever Nintendo 8-bit with Super Mario and Megaman was hot, but that part is probably not so interesting. Around -96 is when I started messing with computers. But we only had a shitty Mac, so I practically lived on internet-café's until I finally got my first proper PC in -98 (P2 350Mhz, with a Voodoo 3 2000 I bought myself after a summer of haaard work), while I was a raving mad Quake 2 and Red Alert player. Left the RTS games when they turned 3d and mostly kept playing oldschoolish fast shooters like Half-Life 1/2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 99-04, Painkiller, Serious Sam, etc.


I didn't really play any RPG's until Oblivion came out, which quickly had me addicted. With every new character I created, I got more and more into giving them background stories, living into their roles and trying to follow a logic/natural path of life in Cyrodiil. It was awesome, and that's also when I got into the whole modding-scene.


Why RPG's never interested me before is probably because I hate third-person view. Oblivion was (that I knew of) the first RPG that was meant to be played in first-person view, which was the biggest reason to why it had me so interested from start. The haters convinced me to try the older Morrowind as well, which I didnt like at all because it felt so stiff and static. I kept playing any Bethesda RPG's released after Oblivion instead, like Shivering Isles expansion, Fallout 3 and now Skyrim.

I also have to mention the S.T.A.L.K.E.R-series, which are masterpieces in their own way when it comes to first-person RPG's. They are of a much darker and more scary nature than Bethesda's stuff, which was a nice change. Those games also had a very ambitious modding-community that made wonders with the game!


Other than that I'm also playing a lot of Arma 2 since it came out in 2009, and that's probably where I'm still most active when it comes to modding today. I love it because of it's huge size and freedom, it's endless functionality and modding possibilities. Its realism is unmatchable, a genre of its own. Also because it supports TrackIR which I think should be standard in all pc-games (Makes you realize how few real PC-games there actually are). Looking much forward to Arma3 next year!


So I guess that's my story.




Also, awesome many ladies around here! :happy:

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