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Skyrim, worth while game?


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This is a modding site and the majority of people who come here love skyrim. Your probably not going to get any positive feedback from a thread that directly bashes the game.


This is not a forum that the developers of the game read so there's not a point to posting complaints you have about the game here. Why don't you try the official Skyrim forums?


If you have a specific bug that you want help with, post it and people will probably help you with it. Otherwise, when people encounter bugs in a game they enjoy, they don't usually just go around re-posting their memory of it unless they want help with it.

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@OP: I am sorry that you are feeling beat up on. It is probably because of the way in which you framed your question, that you are receiving the kind of replies that you are. Every site has it's own sort of culture, and it may help to read through a few more posts to get the feel of things. Also, I wonder if you read:


All Newbies Read This Before Posting Nexus Rules

I found it difficult to locate when I first started. Cheers!




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Interesting, Ezrion. I don't think I've ever encountered a Blood Dragon or an Ancient Dragon at level 5. It's been a long time since I had a dragon mod installed (Deadly Dragons), but I do remember getting involved in some no-win scenarios with that one. I think you're experiencing something that isn't vanilla, here.


I found vanilla Skyrim to be remarkably stable, especially after my experiences with Oblivion which would crash at the drop of a hat. Mods can create instability. Also, Beth releases patches without really testing them, it seems. Most of their big patches seem to break more things than they fix, and then there's a flurry of small patches to fix the big patch. It's why I haven't upgraded to 1.6, yet, and why I waited a long time to upgrade to 1.5.


It could be that a lot of your frustration is tied in with what a great many people are experiencing with 1.6, 1.7, and Dawnguard in general. It's too bad we can't roll back to a previous version when things go wrong, but that's one of the problems with having upgrades mediated by Steam. This is probably the wave of the future for ES games, too, so if you really want to play them you'll have to find ways of "taming" Steam. I do it by playing in off-line mode until such time as I'm sure most of the bugs in the latest patch have been worked out.


Most of my gripes regarding Skyrim are less about instability and more about how fragile the NPC AI is. Most of my "player intervention" in the game involves having to use measures to jump-start stalled NPC AIs. I'm not sure if these issues can be considered "glitches", exactly, since, to me that implies repeatability. Most of these stalls seem to occur when an NPC is momentarily distracted by the player getting too close or too far away when the NPC is in "leader" mode, but it doesn't always happen. They can also occur when an NPC is blocked by a object from moving, even though it would take but a single side-step to find a clear path around it. It just seems that the NPC AI is easily distracted and then "forgets" what it's supposed to be doing.


The other main issue I have with the game design, and I don't recall this happening so much before the 1.5 update, is that Skyrim loves to flip the behavior of my caps lock key. It always happens when an NPC causes a forced interaction. Once I exit the conversation I find myself in "always run" mode, even though my caps lock hasn't been pressed. The game also starts up in always run mode, at least for me, and it wasn't always like this.


I won't address the sloppy and kludgy PC interface. I know that the game was designed for consoles and it's obvious that it was hastily ported to the PC. SkyUI fixes a lot of this for me, but I still wind up pulling out yet more of my hair every time I THINK I've selected a certain conversation option and the game selects an entirely different one. I've gotten into trouble more than once because of this.


And Georgiegril is certainly correct. You've gotten bashed because of the tone of your original post. I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing issues with Skyrim, even though, as Tharavax said, the devs very likely don't read anything posted here. However, the modding community does, and if enough people are having a particular issue it's likely that it will get attended to if it's something that can actually be fixed without modifying the executable code, itself.

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That "newbies read dis here" link didn't work for me. Didn't know that existed tho so ill give it a go over.


I hope Bethesda never sees my issues(having no faith in them as a company i doubt they'd do anything to fix there mistake any ways).


Did you really find oblivion more stable?, that's absolutely baffling to me.

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Ezrion remember that EVERYONE has different experiences and opinions, don't be close-minded aka. Your opinion rules all, now I'm not saying you are I am simply just stating.


EXAMPLE: One guy might find that rolling down a hill and then landing on a steel hard box with the back of the head first might think thats fun or painful idk.

(True story, now who did that happen to I wonder..)

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(Ezrion): From what I understand the initial release of Skyrim was extremely buggy. So was the initial release of Oblivion. I can't compare the two at those points in time because I've never played the original release of either game. I came to Oblivion well after the UOP had been released and it was the only mod I had installed during my first couple of play-throughs. Similarly, the USP was available when I got Skyrim, and was the only mod I used for several play-throughs. I think my version of Skyrim was 1.2.xx at the time. I'm currently at 1.5.xx and holding until the bugs get ironed out of 1.7.


My experiences with both games lead me to believe that the new game engine is much more stable and robust than the older one used with Oblivion. Even vanilla, Oblivion would crash to the desktop for no apparent reason every hour or so. That was on a laptop. It was marginally more stable on a real gaming machine. Modded, it could turn into Crash Hell in a hurry. Skyrim, out of the box and with the USP installed, I think I got two crashes in over 250 hours of play. With the later patches installed even this got better.


You're running with Dawnguard, right? From what I've understood about the issues with 1.7 and that DLC its a wonder your computer hasn't self-destructed and taken half of your neighborhood with it. At version 1.5 and with over twenty mods installed Skyrim runs smoothly and almost error free for me, except for the occasional AI stalling and the various known bugs that are part of the game, itself.

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