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Peryite for good guys


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I love the various "for good guys" mods, that add more options to Bethesda's linear storyline in side quests (namira, boethiah, thieves guild, dark brotherhood...)


I'd like to make one for Peryite's quest "The only cure", but I can't do scripting & quest modding... so I thought I would ask here.


Basically, in "The only cure" (quest DA13) daedric followers are waiting in a dwemer ruin to spread their plague; you can't kill them unless you do the quest - make the incense, commune with Peryite (vigilants rejoice!), and accept to be a daedra's instrument in killing Orchendor. Else, no entry to the ruin for you. Oh Bethesda, why? :facepalm:


What I wanted to do: if you kill Kesh, an alternate quest line unlocks Bthardamz's door, so you can now kill Orchendor and his followers (the description needs to be changed too, as stage 75 ends with "I have killed Orchendor, as instructed by Peryite".)


Anyone willing to make this mod? :turned:

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