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Trinity: A Fictional Story


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I enjoyed all you wrote and found it heartening.


I intend to read it again and to do so with all your future writings.


Thank you for having the courage to write as you have done.

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I enjoyed all you wrote and found it heartening.


I intend to read it again and to do so with all your future writings.


Thank you for having the courage to write as you have done.

Thank you, that kind of compliment and comment makes it all worth while!

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dragonpen61 Posted Jun 12 2009, 12:20 AM


I continue to love your writings!


More kudos to you!


Please keep on writing.


Thank you. writing is my favorite thing to do,so yes,I will continue.


Maharg67 Posted Today, 07:47 AM


Honest, gracious and beautiful!

you honor me sir,I am humbled by your words.

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This is an absolutely outstanding piece of work! I had a little bit of that "sitting on pins and needles" feel when I first heard what this story was about...

Within a few paragraphs/sections that feeling was totally tossed outside and replaced with "sitting on the edge of my seat", waiting in anticipation for the next section. Writing a great story like this speaks volumes of about the author. Dezi, you are obviously someone with a great amount of maturity and understanding of life, more so than most people will ever be. You are also an incredibly talented writer, if writing isn't already a career path for you, it most certainly could be in the future.


-Absolutely great work and I will be anxiously waiting for more! :P

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Trinity awoke from a deep sleep, and then knew why. The phone! She rolled over and answered it. “Hello” her voice was soft and her throat dry. “Daddy! What’s the…Oh my god, No! When? Ok right away daddy.”


She slid into her bunny slippers and flew down the hallway stopping in front of her brother’s door. “Lonny! Lonny get up!” she shouted as she pounded on the closed door.


She heard feet hit then floor, then someone falling. “Son of a female dog” her brother yelled. The door flew open and Lonny stood there in his boxers. Looking left and right, his fists clenched, he finally looked at his sister. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. He reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders. “What’s wrong, what’s the matter?”


“Daddy just called, Moms in the hospital” "Oh my god” the words exploded from his mouth. “What happened?” The look on his face was both concern and quizzical.

‘She had a heart attack, Mr. Daily’s* on his way to pick us up and take us to the hospital.

“Alright, I’ll get dressed” Trinity ran into the living room, grabbed her cell phone and her jacket and as she turned to tell her brother to hurry up, she heard a car horn out in front of her apartment.


Lonny came running down the hallway, grabbed his sister and they flew out the front door.

Mr. Daily had the passenger door opened and trinity and then Lonny slid into the front seat.

As the car sped away from the curb Lonny looked over at Mr. Daily. “Thanks for picking us up Mr. Daily” he said. “No need to thank me son, your mom and dad are good friends of the missus and I, I’m glad to help you and them out.” He said with a smile.

“Still we both appreciate what your doing.” Lonny said sincerely. He glanced at his sister; she sat with her head down, in silence, but the tear drops were all too visible on her jacket even in the dimly lit car. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her up against him. They drove on in silence.



Mr. Daily pulled up to the emergency room entrance. Tell your dad than Connie and I will be by later on” Mr. Daily spoke softy. “I will Sir and thank you” spoke Lonny as he opened the car door. Trinity leaned over and kissed Mr. Daily on the cheek and without a word slid off the seat and into the glaring light of the entrance. Lonny closed the door and hand in hand they entered the hospital.


The Girl at the admittance desk told them that their mother had been rushed into surgery, handed them a map and told them just to follow the green line on the floor and it would take them to the surgical waiting room. Lonny thanked her and he and trinity walked off.



They found their father sitting alone in the waiting room. Upon seeing his children he stood and Trinity raced into his arms. Her sobs turned to wails and he pulled her in tightly. “How’s mom?" Lonny asked. “Don’t know yet, Doctor said it will be more than a little while. All we can do is wait son” Lonny nodded. They sat down. Trinity put her head down on her fathers lap and still the tears flowed. Her father ran his fingers thru her hair gently. “Its OK little one, she’ll pull thru this, your mom’s a lot tougher than you think. Dry your eyes; we’ve a long morning ahead of us.” He spoke with both love and concern in his voice.



Trinity awoke to voices speaking softly. She kept her eyes closed feigning sleep. I don’t know how we’re going to pay for this she heard her father say. “Dad, I’ll do whatever it takes to help you and mom, I’m working now and it pays well too." Lonny said quietly.

“I know son but you’re just starting out, you’ll need your own place too, you can’t keep living with your sister even though she wouldn’t mind but you both have lives to live. I appreciate the offer but your mom and I will figure something out, we always have and I don’t want to hear again about helping us.”

Trinity knew by her father’s tone of voice that the topic was over and she knew Lonny would respect that. They had grown closer since the angry confrontation years ago and she was glad that it had.



Trinity opened her eyes, sat up, stretched and yawned. “Well good morning, you’ve been out like a light for about 4hours now.” Her father smiled at her. “Four hours! What about mom? Is she ok?" Trinity said alarmingly. “We haven’t heard anything yet little one don’t know if that’s good or bad.” Her father said it half jokingly but she saw the concern on his face.



Trinity sat up, stretched again, looked at her father and spoke.” I’ll be right back daddy; I have to use the bathroom.” Ne nodded and she stood up and walked around the corner headed towards the restroom.


Once out of sight she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and placed a call. “HI, it’s me” she spoke softly into the phone. “I’m at the hospital… No, no, I’m fine, its my mom… she had a heart attack” her voiced cracked as she spoke. “Sam I’m so worried about her…no, He’s here too and my dad. We need to talk…OK, see you then, love ya.”


She stood and stared at nothing for a bit, took a deep breath then turned and walked back to her father and brother.



A half hour later Jack and Sam came around the corner. Upon seeing them Trinity ran into Sam’s open arms. Both Lonny and his father stood up. Jack shook hands first with Lonny and then turned towards Lonny’s dad.


“Dad, this is Jacob Russell*” Lonny said. “Call me Jack and I wish this was happening under more pleasant circumstances” he said as he and Lonny’s father shook hands.” If there’s anything my wife and I can do, please let us know. Your son is an asset to our business and Trinity; well both I and my wife love her like she was our own.” Jack said sincerely.


“Thank you, both my son and daughter speak highly of you both. Please sit” said Ken with an air of sadness and frustration in his voice.



“I need to talk to you Sam, its very important." Trinity had a sense of urgency to her voice. “Sure Love lets go for a walk” said Sam. Once out of ear shot of the men Sam stopped and looked at Trinity. ‘What can I or Jack and I do for you sweetheart, you know if its in our power we’ll gladly do it. As Sam spoke she took Trinity’s hands into hers.


“You know that offer Maxwell made to me about a photo shoot?” Trinity asked quizzically. Sam nodded her head. “Is it still available” Trinity said. Smiling Sam spoke. “Maxwell’s offer still stands sweetheart, but why the sudden change of mind? Does it have something to do with your mom’s illness? Sam spoke softly, took one hand and ran it along Trinity’s cheek.


“Yes” Trinity spoke with a crack to her voice. “I heard my dad and brother talking when they though I was asleep.” Again her voice seemed strained as if holding back her tears was a losing battle. “My dad said he doesn’t know how they’re going to pay for all the medical bills. All my life they’ve sacrificed for me….and… now, it’s time for me to help them. I’ll do anything Sam, anything to help them” her voice broke and the tears welled up and flowed. Sam pulled her into her arms. Oh Baby go ahead, cry. It’s only natural you want to help them and I’ll do everything in my power to see that your safe and don’t make any foolish decisions. Trinity pulled her head from Sam’s shoulder and smiled at her. Sam kissed her tenderly on the lips. “I’ll take care of everything honey, I’ll talk to Maxwell and set it all up, but I want you to let me represent you OK? Trinity nodded yes.

“Good, I know all about this business and I’ll not see you taken advantage of. I’ll have Thomas bring you by this afternoon and we’ll go over everything. Don’t you worry; I’m not going to let anything happen to you that I promise. Now Take me and introduce me to your father Ok! Trinity smiled and the two walked arm in arm around the corner.




* Fictitious name.

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Dez, another lovely chapter, and the cliff hanger goes on..

Good chapter, nice use of suspense for sure..Keep it up love.. :smile:

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