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Vortex looking in the wrong location


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Ok so i tried all the responses but im so confused cause nothings working i uninstalled the games in the new location vortex is in the new location so here are some screenshots so you all can see

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Ok so i tried all the responses but im so confused cause nothings working i uninstalled the games in the new location vortex is in the new location so here are some screenshots so you all can see

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I told you how to manually specify the game location.

Did you do that?

Tell us the paths you are using for both Vortex Downloads and Vortex Mods.


The screenshot you posted is referencing d:/. Nothing should be in the root directory of your drive, except something like "D:/Vortex/Mods" or "D:/Vortex/Downloads".

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Vortex is still trying to install things to your D:\ drive and it's also telling you that your D:\ drive doesn't exist.

If you replaced the D drive while you already had the D drive connected, then Window probably gave your new drive the E:\ letter, and when you removed the D:\ drive your E:\ drive kept it's E letter.

You could've easily fixed this by just opening the Manage Drives Admin window and reassigned your new drive to the old drive letter.

Instead, you've uninstalled and reinstalled Vortex, your game and everything else and completely made it a much worse mess now, instead of just following MY and rmm200 instructions to CHANGE YOUR GAME LOCATION in Vortex.

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manually moved it and everything


If you MANUALLY moved it, then Vortex doesn't know where it is.







I can not get to the mod tab because Vortex detects the game like all my other ones but when I try to add skyrim SE to my manage list I get the error

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