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Mod Choosing and Judging Criteria


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When downloading a mod or deciding whether you like it or not, what factors influence your decision making?


IHere are some potential criteria for mod decision making based on reading posts on this forum and watching some gaming videos. It is a small list so it is far from inclusive of all things that go into choosing and liking a mod:


A. Fiction-friendly
B. Immersive
C. Slooty
D. Fun
E. Stable

F. Looks really cool

G. Has something to do with Todd Howard

H. Positive reviews

I. Continuing works by a well liked mod author


Which criteria or combinations of criteria are most important to you?

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Most of the mods I run are gameplay changes. I will go thru the game for while after I first get it, see what aspects I would like to change, then find mods that do what I want. If I can't find something that does exactly what I want, I will download something close, and then modify it to suit my desires. That was a lot easier in previous games....... In rare instances, I will ask permission from the original author, to upload what I have done. That's always fun too. :D

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When deciding whether to download:

-Is whatever it changes/adds going to improve my game in some way?

-Is it immersive? (Unless it's a follower mod..then, well, you know :wink: ) In other words, is this something that could conceivably exist in the ES universe? Also not interested in OP/cheat gear.

-Does it appear to be a finished mod? Occasionally, I'll d/l a mod if the author is honest and says it's in beta and wants feedback.


When deciding whether to keep a mod:

-Does it work as advertised?

-Are there many bugs? Or at least any game-breaking bugs? A couple slightly misaligned landscape meshes I can live with. A hole big enough for me to fall through, not so much.

-Does it break my save? Unfortunately, this one can take a while to rear it's ugly head.

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I would download a mod if...


what the mod adds could conceivably be apart of the ES universe (Crazy new spells or neat locations for instance)


if the mod is immersive and adds new layers to the game play (to an extent anyways)


if the mod is a quest mod, only THE BEST is going into my game with top quality voice acting, writing and map design. anything less then that, i'll pass.

if i can feel as if this quest mod seems like it was in the game all along and i just never found it yet, its a damn good quest mod. and Trust me ..smh theirs little to nothing like that out there. i can count the number of mods that fit this criteria on my hands with fingers to spare.


if it adds weapons or armor again only the BEST will do. anything less is a waste of time.


That should give you an idea of my criteria when downloading mods.

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