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Follower and Faction creation Help


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I created a mod with multiple actors made them all possible followers and put them in their own faction. I set them to '-1' for 'CurrentFollowerfaction' added Potentialfollowerfaction. Then added new custom sandboxpackages for each of the actors; just a simple 'sandbox' package that allows them to wander and ridehorses. I put the actors in 6 different locations Dragonsreach,and the inns at morthal, riften, solitude, markath, and Windhelms.

The problem is that 3 out the 6 npc's have no recruit dialogue options and do not say anything. Also weirdly 1 has only 4 dialogue options, while the other 2 have full dialogue like Lydia.

I compared the different actor faction and ai package data and it's all the same.

Does anyone know what's going wrong?

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