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Issue uninstalling Skyrim_Particle_Patch_for_ENB-SSE: Vortex 0.18.9


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I am currently modding Skyrim Special Edition using Vortex 0.18.9 on Windows 10 Pro with 32GB RAM. I have approximately 140 mods installed.


In the course of swapping out and trying different ENB's I tried an ENB which recommended the use of the Particle Patch for ENB. I tried it and it in fact fixed a fire related bug I was having with NAT weathers. I decided to run without ENB for awhile because I wasn't happy with framerates and uninstalled this mod.


I got a couple of warning messages related to this mod. The first was that a file had been modified outside of Vortex. I chose the revert changes option. The next time I started up Vortex I got a message that mods were changed on disk and a scolding for making changes to the staging folder. I don't know what the staging folder is. All I have done is used the standard install and uninstall procedures.


Am I doing something wrong?


I downloaded the mod from here: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1499


and selected the download listed under Special Edition.

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Don't pick REVERT, it undoes everything that was changed

Not even sure why it's an option.


The mod staging folder is where the Downloaded ARCHIVES are extracted and the Mod is put in it's own fodler.


Did you delete or copy any files MANUALLY to the Mod Staging Folder?


Sadly it is too late to not pick REVERT. I drug the archive into Vortex and clicked the install button. To uninstall it I clicked the uninstall button. The only folder I have made changes to manually is the game folder to delete and add different ENB files.

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