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I mean when you get folks trying pry into your private life and spread false libelous accusations about you over endorsements to your images then things have got a little out of hand (and a little creepy)

Now that is just weird...
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I'll chime in too as someone easily affected by this change.


I can understand and support the idea that if the administration doesn't like the status quo or wants to make a change, that's absolutely fine and their prerogative.


From the perspective of someone not caring for the layout or how images are cut off or not sized, or the number of images linked to in an entry, I think that easily falls under "if you don't like it, don't click it and move on." just like if someone doesn't agree with lore, penises, or the poster's perspective within a mod or other forum. It is simply a means of expression so I don't understand why those arguments are given any weight or credence here.


Edit: It seems the most efficient alternative for me personally would be to blow my wad on spamming ten smaller episodes every day instead of one decent sized post every few days. In the long run I imagine that would account for more bandwidth on the Nexus' end and piss people off when their images get flooded off the recent images section.


What you could do is hide all but the first one and then use text links to other parts, the hidden pages should still be accessible via the links.


Might want to take the opportunity if you are making changes to the imageshare to overhaul it completely, scrapping endorsements would solve some issues, I mean when you get folks trying pry into your private life and spread false libelous accusations about you over endorsements to your images then things have got a little out of hand (and a little creepy), at the end of the day this is a gaming/mod website not Facebook/eHarmony if folks don't like certain images then they need to remember a golden rule on Nexus 'if you don't like it then move on to the next image'.


What happened?

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Just brainstorming here, now that this is in my head...


I'm not trying to "elevate" image stories to be on par with mods, but what if story artists had access to a page similar to the current mod pages? One simple page that users could track for updates. Instead of needing separate posts or image entries an author could create a sub-forum for each series. The folks who don't want to see that kind of stuff wouldn't be forced to look at it.


Alternatively, would there be any point in considering allowing multiple images per upload entry with only one being able to viewed at a time or maybe include a tab for thumbnails to associated images?


Could there be an exception made for "hidden" images, properly sized and hosted on the Nexus?


At this moment I'm imagining that stories or comics with multiple images will devolve into commercials or advertisements for image sets on flickr or deviantArt. Again, only guessing, but in that scenario I would be more likely to simply further my efforts on flickr and tell stories through slideshows. I'm not trying to come off as a whiner saying I'll take my toys and go away; I'm just one user and have no illusions that the world will be any different whether I'm here or not. I'm trying to think of how this might be best-resolved to represent all the affected members of the community equitably.

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Well I'm sorted, I'll put up an image and link to the actual strip on Flickr (like this) http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimbo_uk/9127069609/sizes/o/in/photostream/ (785 x 64000) I get to keep everything together, the imageshare doesn't get spammed up with various parts, people don't read them in a random order and the Nexus doesn't pay for the bandwidth, win all round.

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I also came up with the idea of simply making embedded images "collapsed" by default in image descriptions and in forums so that they don't load, but viewers know there's a placeholder that they can expand and load if they choose to. Simple and efficient.


I don't know how it is on the rest of the Nexus or if it's even a valid metric, but looking at the top rated images on the NV Nexus 19/27 of them either include images in the description or are posted by users who do it regularly.


Guess I'll start attempting to develop new skills just in case.

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I was posting some image stories myself in the past... well, years ago, but whatever... and I learned the habit of adding back- and forth- (also 1st- and last-) -links into the first line of each description.

It involved some going back and editing descriptions every time, because I couldn't know the 'next page'-url before I created it, and reversing the upload-order would've just reversed the issue as well ('prev page'-url unknown), but it did work.


I was still rather hindered by the 'only 5 images per day' upload limit back then, but only because I didn't know about the 'hidden'-feature, or it didn't even exist, yet.

I never understood the need for 'preview'-images in a story-flow up to now. Next- and prev-links or -buttons were always suffice. However, it still was a bother having to 'create' them manually each time.


This concept of a list of 'other images from me worth looking at', however, I fail to understand the use of. It makes reading the description a bother and most people will skip loading the never-ending page and as such miss out on the main image as well. A simple link to 'My gallery' would be completely sufficient here. You get better navigateability and presentation over there any time (and you won't have to fix all your descriptions whenever you clean up some old images or something).


As we 'do' have a user-based image gallery ('My Images') already, though, I'm all for better organization means inside there, like sub-folders, categorization, or whatever. Then you could also make a 'My Top Images' section or something and link people to this one instead from your descriptions. Or each Photo-Story gets its own sub-folder and you have some easy back-and-forth navigation inside those folders already by design.


Just some ideas. There won't be that many image-streams by me ever anyways. And I 'do' have a deviantArt gallery already for any means going beyond this.

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As a lifetime paid member here who has spent hours upon hours creating comic style stories I very upset at the proposed elimination of this feature.

Rather then removing this "culture" that exists and has been somewhat ignored here. Why not embrace it?

Myself and many others here have developed truly amazing works. Many people here enjoy it.

I personally would be willing to pay for the privilege of the extra bandwidth rather then see mine and other laborious works here destroyed. (If that is the only way to keep it)

having to click links would ruin the whole effect of it.

Please do not destroy the wonderful thing we have here.

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...I personally would be willing to pay for the privilege of the extra bandwidth...


The bandwidth concern is on the part of users who view the image and are "forced" to download the images using their own download bandwidth. It's not on the part of the posers at all; for some users this slows down other downloads or mires their LAN. For some users, there is a monthly download allotment that they try very hard to stay withing for financial reasons or to be avoid being "throttled" once they pass it.


Again, though, I don't see how it's any different than reading "penis" in a title and deciding it's something you may not want to view so avoid it if that's a concern. This does also assume that posters use a standard, recognizable naming convention and users pay attention to titles before opening images.


I agree, that requiring an image to be opened in another window ruins the flow. I'm still thinking expandable image placeholders, sort of like the spoiler ability we already have that don't parse or load a link until being clicked would be acceptable for me.

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