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Separating mods into Categories


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So I might just be stupid but does anyone know how to make it so when I open up my Fallout New Vegas profile in Vortex it ONLY shows mods for Fallout NV? Cause on mine it shows every mod for every game and it's a real pain the behind to have to scroll through 100+ mods that don't belong to the game to get to any that do.

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So I might just be stupid but does anyone know how to make it so when I open up my Fallout New Vegas profile in Vortex it ONLY shows mods for Fallout NV? Cause on mine it shows every mod for every game and it's a real pain the behind to have to scroll through 100+ mods that don't belong to the game to get to any that do. attachicon.gif Skyrim mods mixed with NV mods.JPG


Are you downloading all of your different game mods to ONE folder?


We had a thread like this in here before, and what happened was, the person had a MOD folder and/or a Mod Staging Folder, and/or a Download folder for One Game, then they made Sub Folders off of that Game folder, so the problem that you're having happened.


Here's how the Download Folder should be structured





or something similar should be the base folder, because Vortex will add the different game sub fodlers on it's own for this type of layout




D:\Mods\Fallout New Vegas



etc etc.


Same thing for the DOWNLOAD folder, and the mod staging folder.



What the person did, however was, they had their MOD, and Download folders set like this


D:\Mods\Skyrim\Fallout4\Fallout New Vegas\Fallout 3


So they would download the Fallout New Vegas Mods to


D:\Mods\Skyrim\Fallout4\Fallout New Vegas\


While downloading their Fallout 4 mods to




While wondering why Skyrim mods were showing up in the Fallout 4 mod list.


Now, Vortex is going to take a look at that, and not know What's what from that Nested Mess of Game Folders.


You most likely have your game folders nested inside your game folders, so that Vortex is reading ALL your Mods from one long path, rather than from individual Game Folders like this


Drive Letter:\Mods\Fallout3\

Drive Letter:\Mods\Fallout4\

Drive Letter:\Mods\Fallout New Vegas\


etc etc

Check your Paths and Folders.


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