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3DS Max Export Error


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Hey guys Mike here with another problem..


Take a look at this image.


I've tried piecing together armor and helmets but I always get this error when I export my Nif in 3dsMax. I've followed this

on how to make armor..


The issue usually occurs when I delete faces or elements from a mesh if that helps.


This thread was the only thing that came up on google. I dont understand what to do though.


Thanks for helping me become a better modder!



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Did you delete the bsdismemberment modifier and add a new one? If you make an edits to a mesh and try to export it with the dismemberment modifier it had on import, it will pretty much always crash. A quick work around if you didn't do anything that would essentially mess up the modifier(like deleting the legs of a torso mesh), is to just cut the modifier and repaste it into the modifer list when your done, and then export.
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Well for one, you would actually use the Skyrim|Head setting for the modifier :P

Everything in your modifier list seems ok, what settings are you exporting with?

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Well for one, you would actually use the Skyrim|Head setting for the modifier :P

Everything in your modifier list seems ok, what settings are you exporting with?


It turns out my plugin was out of date.

Exporting with Skyrim|head still yields crashing.

Edited by mikeandike
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