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The Fate of the Command & Conquer


Command & Conquer's Future  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the fate of C&C is doomed because of EA

  2. 2. Do you think Joseph Kucan no longer portraying Kane will destroy his developed character and fame? (Kane lives!)

  3. 3. Will you actually play this new Free-To-Play C&C?

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As you can probably guess based on the title the Command & Conquer series doesn't look like it has such a bright future. I myself pre-ordered Generals II as I have been dying to play yet another Command & Conquer however, I noticed one day that my order had completely disappeared and I have yet to receive any notification of cancellation and/or any refund pending. With this in mind there have been other reports of people having the same issue as myself. On top of this already annoying issue, it has been said and confirmed that Generals II has been scrapped and a new Free-To-Play Command & Conquer will substitute Generals II. Being a huge Command & Conquer this is utterly DISAPPOINTING to say the least, and I don't like where EA is taking this legendary game series; they're establishing a bridge to failure and I will NEVER forgive EA if they go forth with ruining yet another franchise just like one of their main competitors do (*coughactivisioncough*). It is also rumored that Kane will no longer be portrayed by Joseph D. Kucan, I don't how many of you are fans of Kane, but to me at least without Joseph Kucan as the main actor it will NEVER be the same Kane as he has become to be known.


Based on all of this, I suppose my question is, how do you feel about what EA is doing to not just Command & Conquer, but many of their other franchises. I can tell you right now I don't like it one bit, what EA has done is absolutely unacceptable for setting course towards destruction with THE GREATEST RTS of all time.

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EA if they go forth with ruining yet another franchise

That is EA. That is what EA has been doing for atleast the last 7 or 8 years continuously. Even if the game isn't utter crap that has been dumbed down and made accessible to young children, it'll probably require Origins as a primary component, and may in their strategy be using it as a way to push Origins as a competitor to Steam by offering a F2P game. Beyond that, however EA will handle an actual F2P game is probably the stuff of nightmares since it is unlikely that they will resist the urge to sell power outright. While I doubt that they'll go as far as charging micro-transactions for each unit and building made in the game, I frankly wouldn't put it past them.


Sorry, but the future looks dark.

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ill play it. there will be a single player to it so it should be fun. should be pretty damn good graphics too. if somehow it really sucks, then i just go back to Generals and whatnot. no biggie
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You know what this is? EA wants to try its hand at making a F2P MMORTS to see if it's profitable, but they know if they do it with a new IP nobody will end up caring about it and it will almost definitely tank. So, what do they do? They mutilate one of the best franchises in gaming history because they know they'll be able to rope people in that way.


Standard fare for EA, really.

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For me C&C 2 Tiberian Sun was the best of the series, C&C 3 Tiberium war was good but not close to what C&C 2 was.



As for cnc i think it died about cnc 4, I don’t expect much, have lost pretty much any interest in what horrifying creature will emerge from ea :facepalm:

Edited by lostone1993
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